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No pets are allowed in Antarctica, because there is no way to feed them or care for them. In fact, no animal lives in Antarctica because it's too cold and there is no food chain there for land animals.

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Q: If you could bring a pet to Antarctica what animal can survive the freezing weather?
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How many animal species are in antarctica?

None. No animal can survive on the Antarctic continent. Several sea birds and sea mammals come to Antarctica's beaches to breed, however.

Do giraffes live in Antarctica?

Giraffes are a warm-weather animal that eats leaves from warm-weather plants. So, the answer is "no".

Why can't a giraffe survive in Antarctica?

It is an African savanna animal and needs the trees growing there.

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No. The frozen, barren landscape of Antarctica is not suitable for an animal of the warm grasslands of Africa.

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A lot of animals can survive under 90 degree weather.

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No. There is no food chain on the continent to support rabbits, and it's too cold there for any animal to survive.

What can you learn about the native Antarctica people and their culture?

There are no native peoples in Antarctica: it's too cold and there is no food chain. In fact, no animal can survive on the continent.

How animal live in mountains?

They have adaptations that help them survive the cold or hot weather.

How are the animals that live in Antarctica able to survive?

No animals live in Antarctica: it's too cold to support any kind of food chain to support animal life.

How are animals' bodies built to survive the cold in Antarctica?

Sea birds and sea mammals that breed on Antarctica's beaches all possess a layer of fat or blubber near the surface of their skins, which protects them from the extreme cold weather. Note that no animal lives on the Antarctic continent: it's too cold and there is no food chain.

Why wouldn't people go to Antarctica?

It is extremely too cold for most people to survive in Antarctica, however, it is not impossible. It is the only continent not owned by any specific government, and anyone can go there. However, most people do not because it is below freezing all of the time. Very few vegetation and animal life grow there, thus, food is hard to come by.

Why is Antarctica's climate considered hostile?

Antarctica is a polar desert. It is home to the coldest temperature on earth. It is extreme in its weather. It's too cold to support any animal life.