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That would depend on the timing, your gender, weight and the condition of your liver. Since your body can handle about one 12-oz. beer an hour max, we could estimate that you would be roughly 4 to 6 hours from a legal level for driving. That's the best we can do with the information you provided.

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14y ago

It depends on the amount of alcohol in the beers, your gender, and your weight, but if it has been an hour since the last one, and you drank one an hour, it should be well below 0.05% unless you are a tiny woman.

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Q: If 3 beers have been consumed in 4 hours what would be your alcohol blood alcohol content?
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How many beers in 3 hours is considered legally drunk?

It depends on body weight, blood volume, and the alcohol content of the beers. Police at checkpoints use b.a.c., blood alcohol content which is supposed to take the weight and blood volume into account. If you weigh 100lbs and drink 3 English ales, all over 8% alcohol by volume, you are much more likely to be legally drunk than someone 250lbs and having drunk 3 near beers (2.5% alcohol by volume) in 3 hours.


Blood alcohol content. It is used to find out what level of alcohol is in someone's system.

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More information is needed in order to answer this question. However, the alcohol content of 16 glasses of wine is the same as that of 16 beers or 16 shots of distilled spirits.

What does BAL or BAC mean?

BAL in medicine and in police work means "blood alcohol level". BAC in medicine and in police work means "blood alcohol content". A BAL/BAC should be zero (0) in a person who has not consumed (drunk) any alcohol.

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Blood Alcohol Content. How much alcohol is in your blood.

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Most likely

What is BAL stand for in reference to alcoholism?

Blood Alcohol Content/ Blood Alcohol Level.

What is blood alcohol concentration?

The blood alcohol concentration is a measurement of how much alcohol is mixed in with your blood. This formula is used to determine if you have consumed too much to be driving.

What will make your BAC rise?

Alcohol. BAC stands for Blood Alcohol Content. It is the ratio of alcohol to blood.

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Given the same quantity of alcohol consumed by people of the same gender within the same period of time, a larger person's BAC would be lower

What affects the amount of alcohol in a persons blood?

Physical size, gender, amount of alcohol consumed, time period over which alcohol is consumed, contents of stomach, etc.