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I don't know your situation, but you can do anything as long as both parties agree. What I mean by both parties is mother and father. If mother and father agree, and the 16 year old wants to live with her father for a year, then it is OK. If the parents do not agree, then a court hearing may be necessary to hear both sides and decide what is best for your daughter. Being that your daughter is 16, she will have some say in court as well.

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Yes he can if you have a settlement agreement that states that you cannot take your minor child out of the country without the father's consent.

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Q: Can your 16 year old daughter live with her biological father for one year even though you have sole custody and live in Canada?
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If you died would your son be taken away from his step father and step brother and returned to his biological father seeing as legally he is not my husband's baby or does marriage bring rights?

Marriage by itself does not bring custody rights to non-biological children. Where the children go when the biological mother dies depends on who has custody, whether the non-biological father has adopted the child, whether the biological father wants the child, and on the laws of the state where all of this is happening.

Is resesmee Bella's real daughter?

Simply, yes. Bella is Renesmee's biological mother and Edward is her biological father.

You have joint custody with your ten year old daughter father moved to Kansas you live in CA and want to move to OR and he doesn't allow it?

If you have Joint Legal Custody, then neither parent can physically change residences without the approval of the other. If, per the question, the daughter is living with the father, or the father has "primary" custody, then you can move wherever "you" want, at least in my perception.

Can a mother and her boyfriend or husband file for full custody of the mothers children together that you share joint custody with your exhusband who is the childrens father?

Boyfriend or husband (unless he is the biological father) has no legal right to the child at all. The mother can try to go for full custody though.

When a mother dies and the biological father is unknown does the stepfather get custody over the child's sister?

Without a Will, he has no clearly defined custodial rights to a stepchild, but unless addressed in a custody decree, neither does the father. Guardianship reverts to the maternal grandparents.

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yes biological fathers may seek visitation and custody rights

How can you get custody for your daughter if her mother is married?

You have to be established, legally, as her biological father so if you have not done that do that first. Have DNA tests done if needed. Then you can apply for custody or visitation rights.

Can your 15 year old daughter live with biological father for one year even though you have sole custody?

If you choose to let her.

What happens if there is a legal and a biological father?

He fights for custody.

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only if mum has custody

If the aunt has custody how could the father go about getting custody?

the biological father is next of kin

If the mother has sole physical custody and shares joint legal custody with the father the two never married if the mother dies can her husband who is not the baby's biological father assume custody?

No, unless the baby's biological father relenquishes his parental rights, he would get custody of the child if the mother dies, not her husband. The biological father must sign his rights away to the mother's husband.

If a biological father has had no contact with his child then can he get custody of him if something happens to the mother?

Unless the biological father has relinquished custody, he can ask the court to grabt custody in case the mother dies or cannot take care of herself.

Does a step father with power of attorney hve custody rights over the biological father?

No he does not.

Does the custody of your daughter is still with you even if you have an affair to other man?

you could have it used against you in court if the biological father of your daughter still wants custody. he can claim you are unstable and unless you stay in a stable relationship with the man in question. but if he can prove he is in a more stable relationship he can claim that he can care for her better.

Can the biological mother get custody of son that lives with the adopted father?

Yes, she can. All she has to do is press suit to have custody awarded, or convince him to give her custody.

Can a handicapped mother sign custody over to a live in boyfriend when the father of the child wants custody?

No. The biological father have rights. Unless the court find him unfit to have custody then there might be a chance.