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If you get an iphone you dont have to get texting. But if you do text it will be charged onto your bill. But since its a smart phone you have to get internet

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Q: If you have the iPhone do you have to get txting?
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How do you get someone off their new iPhone?

keep txting them and soon they'll get enjoyed. If that doesn't work try taking them somewhere fun.

Can your parents see what your txting or watching on the iPhone bill?

All they can see is how many texts you made and how much internet usage you have done, im pretty sure about no texting but im not sure about the internet one.

Is txting bad 4 you?


Dos txting maek you a bad speler?

Noup. i be txting 4 3 yrs nowe ande mee bee gud at it.

What does 636 stand for in txting?

Always and always

When you are txting what does CB mean?

Come back?

How do you recover from over txting a guy?


Is txting a girl and she tell you to stop and you keep txting her is that sexual harassment?

no but it is harassing her and and whoevers doing it needs u need to leave her the hell alone

What is txt?

text Text-messaging, or 'txting', is when you send a text message on your phone. Txting is the extreme abbreviation or acronymming of words. therer u have it that's what txt is!! :) :)

What is IM in txting on cellphone's?

IM = Instant message

What are some common warning signs of trouble?

Not txting u anymore, not kiss u back when u kiss him/her. Not talking anymore to u, and txting well on a date.

What is the fine for txting while driving?

It matters how the law finds out you were txting while driving, Like if you were in an accident and you told the police that you were txting you could get a ticket for reckless driving. If you were pulled over by a cop and they saw you txting or if you were to swerve into the other lane cause of the txting or someting they might give you a ticket. it matters who you are pulled over by or how nice the cop is.