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If they are on Welfare, the court will not approve it.

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Q: If you let the father of my children sign his rights away will they lose their medicade?
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Children can't move anywhere. The mother is moving them away from the father. 50 mile limit without court approval

Can a father give up rights to his children?

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Take him to court. But you'd better have compelling reasons to deny your children their father.

If father has nothing to do with children after divorce can you remove parenting rights?

Parental rights is not quite what people think it to be. In order for someone to lose parental rights, they either have to sign them away, or they are taken away by a Judge when the other parent is a very bad, very nasty, horrifying human being. Otherwise, for the rest of your child's life, both parents have rights to their children.

Can the babys father make you sign your rights away?

No he can not.

How does it work when the father of an unwed relationship trys to gain custody of the children that he never lived with and the children now 9 and 10 are fearfull of the father who is violent?

Firstly, there would need to be some sort of quantifiable proof in regards to the violence, and show that this puts the children in harms way. That being said, all parents have rights to their children, the amount of rights ordered by the court is going to depend on things such as status quo. Not living with one's children does not take away their rights to visitation.

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The father needs to consult with an attorney who can review the situation and determine what the options are.

If the state take away your children at birth and the father sign his right away can the foster mother let him and her see the if she adopt them but the state still help her with them?

I'm in a relation ship where my friend sign his right away and the mother has no rights the children is in foster care or rather the foster mother adopt them now she want them to get to know their real father and mother and i want to know is this legal

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Marriage by itself does not bring custody rights to non-biological children. Where the children go when the biological mother dies depends on who has custody, whether the non-biological father has adopted the child, whether the biological father wants the child, and on the laws of the state where all of this is happening.

Can A father who signs over his parental rights get visitation?

No. You would be signing away your rights to visitation. A parent generally signs away their rights in preparation for a legal adoption.

If the mother and father are married can the mother take parental rights away from the father?

No. That can only be done by a court order.

Why did Celie's father beat her in the color purple?

No her father took away her children and her husband beat her