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Q: If you take a submarime under the Bermuda triangle will you go missing?
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Where the ships go when they are in center of bermunda triangle?

I think that they are now still deep under the bermuda triangle

Why is it only in the Bermuda triangle air crafts and ships go missing?

It is not only in the Bermuda triangle that planes and ships go missing. They go missing all over the word, it just happens there more as supposed electromagnetic Fields disable navigation systems. Also the Bermuda triangle is part of one of the most used area's of ships and planes so there are far more things there to go missing.

Who is living there in Bermuda triangle?

Most people belive that the devil is under the sea.And if any people go in there he will suck you under with him.

Why was the Bermuda trinagle called the Bermuda trinagle?

The Bermuda Triangle is a Fictional part of the Atlantic Ocean, with Miami, Florida (at one corner), San Juan, Puerto Rico (at another corner), and Bermuda (at another corner). It is a place where planes and ships are supposed to have disappeared under mysterious circumstances. The PBS science show Nova, and Dr. Arthur C. Clarke for the Discovery Channel, investigated the Bermuda Triangle and found it was much ado about nothing. There is no big deal about the Bermuda Triangle and almost all of the planes and ships that have disappeared there can be explained away. The Bermuda Triangle was mainly invented to sell cheap books, movies, and TV shows, to gullible people. There is no more danger in the Bermuda Triangle than in any other large area of the plant. Countless people have gone through the Bermuda Triangle and nothing happened to them.

Is it above sea level or under sea level?

the whole triangle from top to bottom is related to dermuda triangle because everything that comes present in the bermuda triangle it sucks it and vanishes it under sea level

How does the Bermuda triangle affect the atmosphere?

because the gas under the ocean that sinks ships and air craft is oxygenated in the water.

Why is the Bermuda a triangle and not circle?

The term "Bermuda Triangle" was popularized in the 1960s to describe the area in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean where several aircraft and ships have disappeared under mysterious circumstances. The shape of a triangle was chosen to represent the geographic boundaries of this area. There is no particular reason why it is not called a circle, it was just a choice made by those who coined the term.

Why did air crafts disappear in the Bermuda triangle?

Because that's the door to the under world they get sucked in to the door then we don't know what happens its still a mystery to be solved

Is it possible there is a magnetic deposit under the Bermuda triangle that can sink ships and mess with instraments to make planes crash?

No, it's all a myth, the Bermuda is fine. My mother has been there many times and she's still alive; she thinks it's actually a fabulous place and highly recommends it, it is a beautiful place. Bermuda and the surrounding areas are very popular tourist destination. Thousands of planes and ships, all the major cruise lines, travel safely in and out of the Bermuda Triangle every year.

Is Atlantis in space?

There is no certain answer for this question, but it is believed that Atlantis is lost under the sea, and that no one has discovered it; Atlantis is believed to be a legend. Some new theories say that Atlantis' gate is lost in the Bermuda triangle, still under water.

What is under the water of the Bermuda triangle?

I dont really know what goes on in the bermuda triangle, and it is wierd, but I do have a clue. I think that it is the pressure of the water and the air that pulls things down into the sea, crushes it and buries it deep down on the oceans bed.Hi, I am a diffrent user. And this answer should have the title "This is how I think the bermuda triangle works?"

Could the Bermuda triangle is three volcanoes under sea?

probably not; the disappearances didn't just happen at three different areas. Also, that wouldn't explain the planes that vanished into thin air