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This is an issue that I don't think many people are aware of, you can be "psychologically" pregnant. If you want it badly enough or are scared of it enough your body will do very weird things. So yes, you could have a lapse in your period even if your not really pregnant. Good luck with whatever turn out that you want.

This is a very good explanation of causes and treatment of 'psychological' or 'phantom' pregnancy.

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Q: If you were just psychologically pregnant would it go so far as to stop your period for months?
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You know that you are not pregnant .. if you had sex when you were un-fertile (but there is still a chance) and also .. You come on your period on the normal days you would have the other months

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There have been people who haven't had a period for six months and they weren't pregnant and started their period afterwards, but it would be best to take a pregnancy test if you haven't already done so.

When is the baby due if you got pregnant on your period?

Typically women do not become pregnant on their periods. However, the baby would be due 9 months from the day the woman became pregnant.

Can a girl already 2 months pregnant get pregnant again?

hell no are you a retard? i mean serously you dont even have you period any more it imposible! No, a person can not get pregnant while they are already pregnant. Because the person would stop ovulating and having their period

Can a girl be pregnant for ten months?

No, the normal gestation period is nine months (40 weeks) and medical intervention would be made after around 42 weeks.

If you are 16 weeks pregnant how many months is that?

There are 13 weeks in a 3-month period. You are 3 months and 3 weeks pregnant.

What does it means if you miss your period for two months can you be pregnant?

That would be a reasonable guess. Next step is probably a pregnancy test.