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Check the base period in the Related Link below to see if the period between end of work and filing of your claim is within the boundaries.

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Q: If your husband transferred to Florida and then six months later you join him can you collect unemployment after you moved from New Jersey to Florida?
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If your husband gets a job out of state and you quit my job to go with him can you collect unemployment?

Whatever You Want To Do. LOL

Your husband was fired for cursing can he collect unemployment?

he can get another job. but cursing is not to be called for on a job,especially on a child or at school.

Can you collect unemployment if you move because of your husbands job?

If he was drawing unemployment and is now working, his unemployment benefits will stop when he reports the new job.If you are receiving unemployment your husband's new job will not affect your benefits.If you are now collecting unemployment and you want to continue, you should report the new address to the unemployment compensation office in the state you received your benefits from.Another answer:Some states allow you to collect your own unemployment if you follow your spouse,, due to his transfer, etc. Other do not allow for anything but work related issues. You need to dheck with the state you work in for clarification.

How do you find out if I received unemployment from New Jersey?

My husband can't remember if he did collect or not from NJ and we're trying to find how we can find out online.

Is there a disqualification period to collect unemployment if you quit your job in Texas to relocate to California to be with your husband?

Yes California will pay you unemployment benefits if you quit your job to relocate with a spouse in order to preserve your marriage and keep in tact

If I had to leave my job in Michigan because my husband is relocating to another job somewhere else in Michigan can I collect unemployment?

You cannot collect when you have voluntarily left a job. Has to be a lay off or firing... can you collect if hes out of work and found another job in California

Do you qualify for unemployment insurance if you quit your job to follow your husband to Colorado?

No. not if you quit. For one to collect UI, they must have been laid off by the employer. The UI office will verify the information with the employer. If you voluntarily quit, you are not eligible for unemployment insurance.

If your husband is collecting unemployment and cannot find a job in your state so he moves to another state to look for work are you able to collect unemployment if you quit your job to join him?

Some states allow your quitting under those circumstances to be justified reason to collect at least a partial, if not full unemployment. Some states do not allow it, so you have to contact the employment office in your own state to find out which one your state is.

You are working and will have to quit your job to follow your husband can you apply to unemployement in the new state you will be moving in and get benefits?

First, some states allow you to collect unemployment if you have to move because your spouse relocates, in which case it would be from the state you moved FROM (the "liable state"). Secondly, you could not collect from the state you move to because that state did not collect unemployment taxes from your former employer (hence, not the "liable state")

Can you collect unemployment benefits while you are on Social Security for widows?

You can generally still collect unemployment while collecting social security, unless it is social security disability...even then you still might be able to. I worked for the Unemployment Office & just an FYI, they do not know if you are on social security and are unable to check, so if you do not say anything, they will never know.

Can you collect unemployment for quitting a job in Florida for husbands job relocation which was in another part of Florida 7 hours away?

Generally yes you would be eligible. You would file for unemployment & cite this reason. The unemployment office will schedule you for an adjudication interview in which time you will provide them with transfer documentation or new hire documents which state your husbands job offer information. The date in which you moved has to be proximate to the date your husband started his new job. For example, if you furnish documentation that states your husband was offered his job May of last year & you just now moved, this will raise a red flag. The other piece of information that the unemployment office will evaluate is the reason you provided to your employer for quitting. They will contact the employer & if the employer provides a written statement from you giving 2 weeks notice so you can further your education in school, that will not go over well. However, if you stated you quit to relocate due to your husbands job & you can get the documentation from your husband, then you should be approved with no problems providing that you are otherwise eligible.

Can you collect unemployment insurance if spouse works?

yes, unless your ex-husband was your pimp.