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Q: In angiosperms xylem consists of tracheids and?
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Do angiosperms have 'tracheids'?

yes. xylem tracheid occur in all plants included lower plant, gymnosperms and angiosperms. angiosperms had evolved to have another kind of xylem, that is xylem vessel, which is better in transport water, but tracheids still remain in angiosperms.

What does Tracheids and vessels together make up?

Tracheids:1. These are xylem elements found in all types of vascular plants.2. These are single cells with tapering ends, hence are not syncytes.3. Tracheids are shorter in length.Vessels:1. These are also xylem elements but restricted to angiosperms only .2. A vessel is formed by several cells arranged end to end and dissolved cross walls, hence is a syncyte.3. Vessels are much longer than tracheids and are main component for water conduction.

What types of Organelles are present in Xylem cells?

Vessels are types of advanced xylem cells that are found in angiosperms. An xylem is made up tracheids and both of these cells have pits so that water can move sideways in the stem.

What is the water conducting tissue in vascular plants?

There are two different types of water conducting tissues in vascular plants, both of which are constituted as xylem, they are tracheids, and vessel elements. Tracheids are found only in gymnosperms (vascular, non-flowering plants, such as pines), while both types may be found in angiosperms (flowering plants), however, in some cases angiosperms may only have xylem vessels, it depends on the species.

What is xylem composed of?

vessel elements, tracheids, fibres, and parenchyma

Write four elements of xylem?

Tracheids Vessels Xylem parenchyma Xylem fibres

How many types of elements together make up the xylem tissue?

In Angiosperms , it is xylem vessels ( proto and meta xylem together ) , Xylem sclerenchyma and xylem parenchyma ; together form Xylem tissue ( That is why xylem is called a compound tissue ). In Gymnosperms , xylem vessels are replaced by Xylem tracheids . All other tings are almost the same .

How is pholem different from xylem?

Xylem is different from phloem structurally and functionally.Xylem consists of Tracheids, vessels and xylem parenchyma whereas phloem consists of Sieve tubes, companion cells and phloem parenchyma.Xylem conducts water and minerals to the leaves whereas phloem transports the prepared food from leaves to different parts of plant body.

What are elements of xylem that help in transport of minerals and water?

the elements are :- tracheids, vessels xylem fibres and xylem parenchyma.

What are 2 structures which make up of xylem?

Xylem may be made up of tracheids and vessel elements.

Narrow elongated thickwalled cells found in xylem?

TracheidsA cell in the xylem of vascular plants.

How does xylem tracheids and vessels help the plants when they are placed end to end like tubes?

The xylem tracheids and vessels placed end to end like tubes in plants help in the conduction of water.