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Decomposed granite is just old granite rock that has weathered into samller particles over millions of years. The particles are like very coarse sand or very tiny gravel. These particles are coming into common use in various landscaping applications. Geologists have more technical names for these materials, but DG is the commonly used term. In California, DG often occurs in places where exposed basoliths have weathered and eroded. Examples in California include parts of the Tahoe basin, Shasta Bolly - Grass Valley Creek watersheds west of Redding, and parts of the mountains to the east of San Diego. DG derived soils are notoriously unstable and subject to very high erosion rates. Examples of erosion control projects related to DG soils can be found at the Trinity Resource Conservation District (Trinity County, Calif., USA) website: and

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Q: In decomposed granite what is decomposed?
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Related questions

Is decomposed granite porous?

Decomposed or partially decomposed granite is porous.

Where can one purchase a large supply of decomposed granite?

Decomposed granite is granite that is weathered and has been broken down into gravel sized particles. One can purchase a large supply of decomposed granite by ordering it from a home improvement store such as Home Depot or Lowe's.

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How much does 1 yard of decomposed granite weigh?

6 tons

Is granite orange?

The stone called, "Decomposed Granite" is orange (and a little crumbly). A lot of granite is composed of white and black minerals in a speckled appearance.

How much does 1 cubic yard of decomposed granite weigh?

6 tons

How do you make a vegetable garden on decomposed granite?

No dig gardening....look it up :D

What is the Price of decomposed granite in Sacramento?

Around 40 to 50 per cubic yard

How much does a yard of decomposed granite weigh?

It depends a little on just how decomposed it is, and whether it's been disturbed or not (native state or excavated and recompacted, or not recompacted), but generally, use of a unit weight of about 135 to 145 pounds per cubic foot or in the range of 3,500 to 4,000 pounds per cubic yard should suffice for estimating purposes.

How many square inches will a yard of decomposed granite cover at two inches deep?

We don't know how decomposed granite lies or settles. All we can tell you is that(1 cubic yard that's 2 inches high) covers 23,328 square inches = 162 square feet.

How many yards of decomposed granite is needed for 1435 square feet X 3 inches deep?

I was not aware that granite decomposed! A yard is sometimes used, in the building trade, as an abbreviation for cubic yard. 1435 sq ft * 3 inches = 1435/9 * 3/36 = 13.29 cubic yards, approx.

Why are animals remains are not found in granite?

because granite is such a hard rock, it is difficult for things to imprint it, it also comes from lava/magma so most living things have already decomposed before they can make an imprint.