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Income inequality

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Q: In economics what does the Gini coefficient measure?
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What is the Gini coefficient?

The Gini coefficient is a measure of income inequality within a population, with a value of 0 indicating perfect equality and 1 indicating perfect inequality. It is commonly used by economists and policymakers to understand the distribution of income or wealth within a country. A higher Gini coefficient suggests a more unequal distribution of income.

Rise in gini coefficient leads to?

The Gini coefficient is a measure of equality expressed as a value between 1 and 0. 0 represents perfect equality and 1 represents perfect inequality. Therefore a rise in the Gini coefficient results in an increase in inequality.

What is the Gini-coefficient in South Africa?

65 (2005) :)

What is the relationship between lorenz curve and the gini coefficient?

Relationship between Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient is the more the Lorenz line curves away from the line of equality, the greater the degree of inequality represented.

Is there economic inequality in the US?

YES. This is currently a huge social issue in the US and galvanizing support for the Democratic Party. The US currently has a GINI coefficient of 0.477. (A GINI coefficient of 0 is perfect economic equality and a GINI coefficient of 1 is that all wealth in a country is concentrated in one person.) A GINI coefficient of 0.477, which is higher than the GINIs of all European countries, indicates a moderate degree of economic inequality, but something less than the high economic inequality of most third-world countries.

What does the decline in gini coefficient indicate?

It would indicate that income is being distributed more equitably.

What factors is better way to measure the success of one country?

The factors that are better ways to measure the success of a country include GDP per capita, unemployment rate, income inequality, poverty rate, education level, healthcare access, life expectancy, and overall quality of life for its citizens. These indicators provide a comprehensive view of the economic and social well-being of a country.

When assessed using Gini coefficient south America gets very high numbers. what does this signify?

Large inequalities in the economy

When assessed using the Gini coefficient South America gets very high numbers What does this signify?

Large inequalities in the economy

In what ways can you see the high Gini coefficient numbers for South America in everyday life?

Luxury and poverty located very close to each other.

Which is distributed more unequally in US income or wealth?

Income is a flow variable of economics and measures the amount of money earned over a period of time whereas wealth is a stock variable and is the net worth (total assets - total liabilities) of a person defined at a specific point of time. In US, the Gini coefficient(which varies for 0 to 1, with 0 representing complete equality and 1 representing total inequality) is an effective measure of the extent of income and wealth inequality. Over the years the gini index for wealth has been greater then that of income. Hence, wealth is more unevenly distributed in the US.

What is gini in Java language?

gini is the one type of extension of the java. gini is the advanced and advanced version of the java