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[1] Live stock need electrolytes; salt; the trace minerals such as calcium and phosphorus; and vitamins such as A, B12, and D. [2] They meet their nutrient needs on organic farms through feed, hay, supplements, and vitamins. [3] They also meet their nutrient needs out in the pasture. The pasture tends to be super healthy what with the attention to what's below ground as much as to what's above. And so the emphasis is on building healthy soils by proper watering and by proper feeding. And that feeding refers to the putting of organic matter back into the soil by way of compost, mulch, and slow-release organic fertilizers. [4] All across the board it should be a healthy environment for live stock. For they're not being fed the synthetic mixes that are the hallmark of conventional agriculture. Neither are they fed the slaughter byproducts that can be served up on conventional farms. Nor are they getting heavy additive and hormonal inputs to their food. [6] And they're in a chemical free environment where there's no heavy synthetic fertilizer or chemical use. [7] These suggestions, not recommendations, are for greater understanding of the ins and outs of organic care for live stock. Why not take a look at the websites of Marshall Grain and of Northeast Organic Farming Association, respectively, at and at They both look to be reputable and serious web sites. And the Marshall Grain site also has a toll-free telephone number listed.

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Q: In organic farming what nutrients are used to feed livestock?
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Why cant organic farming feed everyone?

Because there is not enough farmland in the world to feed everyone off of organic foods

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That depends on the volume of the farm.

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Dairy farm is a farming enterprise; it is a part of agriculture because dairy cows (which are classified as livestock) are raised on a farm and fed feed which is grown and harvested on that farm or sourced from elsewhere.

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In The Bahamas there are two types of farming,they are subsistence farming and commercial farming.In subsistence farming the farmer produces only enough crops or livestock to feed his or her family.In commercial farming the primary purpose is to sell one's products at a market.

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The main decomposer of tomatoes is bacteria. This is what will feed on the dead organic matter and release nutrients into the atmosphere.

What is the case for and against organic farming that includes consideration of environmental issues and the world foods?

The case for organic farming includes growing without the use of chemicals, which are known to pollute the environment. Also, rather than just adding chemical fertilizers that include only the minimum of nutrients, organic farming builds up the soil by using cover crops that are worked into the soil and compost to replenish a variety of nutrients, including micro-nutrients, to the soil. Organic farming is actually good for the environment.Though many claim that organic foods cannot feed the world, that is debatable. They actually may be better at feeding the world than some newer developments. Though feeding the world is used as a selling point, they simply are not showing that they can live up to those claims.One potential problem with larger-scale organic farming is that it is heavily dependent on the use of animal manure and composting for plant nutrients. While these are very effective, proper care must be exercised in the use of manure since it can pollute just as easily as synthetic fertilizer if not properly managed. Compost actually has a "carbon footprint" (refers to greenhouse gas emissions in the area of climate change) approximately 15 times higher than synthetic urea nitrogen fertilizer.

What does agriculture mean?

Agricultural is applied to anything to do with farming.

Which type of crops grown in vertical farming?

Primarily high value human food crops. The expenses involved in the infrastructure are prohibitive for livestock feed or forage crops.

What is the importance of forage in farming?

Forage is feed, in the form of greenfeed, silage, hay, pasture, or grains for livestock. Forage, by definition, is herbaceous plant matter, grown from the earth or harvested by humans, that is meant for livestock consumption. Without forage, we wouldn't have livestock. And we probably wouldn't have food for the rest of the world.

Is organic farming bad?

Yes because the lower yields mean you'll never be able to feed the ever growing population This depends on your outlook and whether you want to feed the world or your family.