

Best Answer

There is reason to believe that there is an infinity of space out there, just as time is infinite, both in the past, and in the future. At some stage in this infinity of time and space, our universe began. In fact, the multiverse hypothesis says that our universe is only one of many such universes that have come into existence, or will in the infinite future. However, Einstein proposed that our universe (and therefore each universe if the multiverse hypothesis is correct) is curved, so that it in some way has an outer boundary contrary to Professor Hawkins saying the universe may have no boundary as the universe is possibly self contained.

Minority viewpoint:

The Infinite Universe Theory states that the universe exists everywhere and for all time. Thus the universe had no beginning, although each part of it has a beginning and an ending, being assembled from other parts in the necessarily Infinite Universe. This is in tune with the First Law of Thermodynamics (Conservation), which states that "Matter and the motion of matter neither can be created nor destroyed." The opposing assumption is Creation, the belief that something could be created out of nothing. The Big Bang Theory of the origin of the universe is wildly popular largely because most people follow religious tradition in assuming Creation. In tune with that logic, modern physicists accept numerous odd claims such as the shibboleth that space could be curved even though it is supposed to be completely empty. For further details go to

the whole point is the universe don't have a end because it has no beginning
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Q: In the infinite universe theory does the universe have no beginning and no end just like numbers from negative numbers going to positive numbers?
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