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win a majority of the electoral votes

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Q: In the presidential election of 1824 jackson won the most popular vote but failed to?
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Failed to become president despite winning most of the popular vote in 1824?

Andrew Jackson is the presidential candidate who won the popular vote in the 1824 election but failed to secure the presidency. Despite winning the highest number of popular votes, Jackson did not have the majority needed in the electoral college, and the election was ultimately decided by the House of Representatives, who chose John Quincy Adams as the president. This outcome is often referred to as the "corrupt bargain" because Adams appointed Henry Clay, who had supported him, as his Secretary of State.

Which socialist presidential candidate failed to capture any electoral votes in the 1912 presidential election?

Eugene V. Debs, from Indiana, was the Socialist candidate in 1912. He won 5.99 % of the popular vote.

What aspect of presidential election did Andrew Jackson try but fail to achieve?

One aspect of the presidential election that Andrew Jackson tried but ultimately failed to achieve was the elimination of the Electoral College system. He believed that the Electoral College undermined the principle of "one person, one vote" and favored the interests of the wealthy elite. Despite his efforts, Jackson was unable to gather enough support to abolish the Electoral College during his presidency.

What are some true statements about the election returns in 1896?

William McKinley won the 1896 presidential election defeating William J. Bryan. In the 1896 presidential election William McKinley received 271 electoral votes and William Bryan received 176 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were McKinley 7,108,480 and Bryan 6,511,495.

How many times did Abraham Lincoln run for President and failed?

He lost 8 prior elections, before winning the Presidential election in 1860. He never lost any Presidential election, and he ran twice, and was elected twice, as President.

Which candidate is the presidential election of 1912 formed the blue Bullmoose party?

Former President Theodore Roosevelt created the Progressive Party (nicknamed the "Bull Moose Party") after he failed to receive the Republic nomination in the 1912 presidential election.

Which candidate in the presidential election of 1912 formed the bull party?

Former President Theodore Roosevelt created the Progressive Party (nicknamed the "Bull Moose Party") after he failed to receive the Republic nomination in the 1912 presidential election. Theodore Roosevelt received 88 electoral votes and 4,119,207 (27%) of the popular votes.

Who failed to become president despite winning most of the popular vote in 1824?

Andrew Jackson

Who failed to become president despite winning most of the popular voite in 1824?

Andrew Jackson.

Who was the first woman to speak in front of the congress?

In American Presidential Election Hillary Clinton competed, but failed. She won the popular votes though. If she was elected, she would be the First Woman President in US history.

In the presidential election of 1824 who received the most votes but failed to win a majority of either the popular or electoral votes (requiring the House of Representatives to select a president)?

Andrew Jackson lost the election of 1824 even though he received the largest number of popular votes and electoral votes. In the 1824 presidential election an individual needed to receive at least 131 electoral votes out of the 261 total electoral votes. Andrew Jackson received 99 electoral votes, John Quincy Adams received 84 electoral votes, William Crawford received 41 electoral votes, and Henry Clay received 37 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Andrew Jackson 151,271, John Adams 113,122, Henry Clay 47,531, and William Crawford 40,856. Since no candidate received the required majority of 131 electoral votes, the president was elected by the U.S. House of Representatives in accordance with the Twelfth Amendment of the United States Constitution. John Q. Adams won the election in the House of Representatives.

Which candidate had the greatest electoral and popular vote in 1824 but failed to win presidency?

Andrew Jackson