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There are two different factors here.

Parental rights are things like visitation and the right to have a say in how the child is raised. You can give those up.

Parental responsibilities are things like ensuring that the child is fed, sheltered, and receives adequate medical care. You cannot give those up.

So, yes, if you give up your rights to the child, you may still have to pay child support.

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Q: In washington.If you give up your rights to your child do you have to pay child support?
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No, giving up your parental rights and paying child support are two separate issues. You will still have to support your child.

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He can give up his parental rights (this usually happens as part of the adoption process), but his support obligation continues until/unless the child is adopted. There is no "right not to pay child support."

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No, voluntarily relinquishing your parental rights does not excuse you from having to pay child support. However, you may be able to give the child up for adoption, in which case you would be relieved of your child support obligation.

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It's possible to give up his rights but he will not get out of paying child support.

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The right to sign away your parental rights is not based on child support. Unless the child is being adopted the child support will still have to be paid whether you voluntarily give up your rights or not.

Can a father give up his physical rights but not his financial rights?

Yes, a father can give up his parental rights but he still have to pay child support.

Am I still liable for child support if you terminate your parental rights and she wants to get married and he plans on adopting the child?

you may still be liable for any back support owed,but once you give up your rights & the child is legally adopted, it's now that persons job to provide for the child,but keep your rights for your child. you may still be liable for any back support owed,but once you give up your rights & the child is legally adopted, it's now that persons job to provide for the child,but keep your rights for your child.

Can a man give up his parental rights if he has a baby with someone besides his wife so he wont have to pay child support?

You still have to pay child support. Parental rights and child support are 2 separated issues. You have to pay for your child unless the child gets adopted.

What say does a father have who does not pay child support?

Whatever the court documents give him. Not paying child support does not automatically remove any rights from him.

If you are pregnant and getting a divorce does your husband have the right to give his rights away and not pay child support when the baby is born?

No. He can sign over his rights but he would still be liable to pay child support. The only time he doesn't have to pay child support is if a stepdad wanted to adopt the child, then the biological father doesn't have to pay child support if he signs his rights away.