

In which country can you find an Eastern Orthodox Church?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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You can find them in numerous Eastern European countries, including (but not limited to) Greece, Russia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, and Georgia, in all of which Orthodoxy is the dominant religion. Of course, it is not limited to these countries--- some Orthodox Churches can be found in the US, Canada, and Western Europe as well.

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Q: In which country can you find an Eastern Orthodox Church?
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I believe Russian Orthodox is second to the Greek Orthodox which actually the part of Constantinople Patriarchate. One can find Orthodox churches in many countries around the world for example Japan, Australia, Canada, USA, in Every counry in Europe. There is a Russian Orthodox church in Antarctica There are Russian Ortodox Churches in Latin America. During the communism regime there was a great pressure on the Orthodx faith and it had really weakend the church to the point where we did not know if we could continue to exist. God willing the church has survived and it is truyl a miracle to see the rebirth of christianiy in Russia and the popularity of the Russian Orthodox Church abroad. Patriarch Kirill is doing a great job spreading the chrisian faith within Russia and also abroad. What drives people to the Russian Orthodox Church even among the other Orthodox Christians is that tradition and that sincere faith that caputres ones heart even upon an entry into a Russian Orthodox Church.

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How do I convert to eastern orthodox?

Find a nearby Orthodox church and get talking to the priest. He'll decide where you're at and what kind of preparation you need. When you're ready, you'll either be baptized and chrismated, or you'll just be chrismated (if you've already been validly baptized in the name of the Holy Trinity). God bless you, and may he and his saints guide you on your journey.

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Could i make holy water in a place where there is not any orthodox church?

You have to find a priest or pastor of some sort to bless it.

How did the Eastern Orthodox Church come to Russia?

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