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Q: In which direction would you travel from a Navajo village to trade with the Powhatan people?
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Which direction would you travel from a Navajo village to trade with the Powhatan people?

This would not have happened. The Powhatan people were in what is now Virginia. The Navajo were, and are, in the modern states of Arizona, New Mexico and Utah. The Navajo also did not live in villages. They lived in family groups sort of how a ranch family might live today. However, to do this fictional trip you would travel east.

What tribe lived in shelters made of wood and fish were an important source of food for their tribe?

Well I know that wigwams are made of wood. The Miqmaw people of Nova Scotia lived in wigwams and primarily ate fish as they lived by the Atlantic Ocean. Apex Powhatan or Tlingit

Is Navajo supposed to be capitalized?

Yes, it is capitalized and it is not Navajo Indians. It is Navajo people.

Who were the people in Chief Powhatan's family?

Pocahontas was a child of Chief Powhatan. His older brother was Opechancanough. Chief Powhatan was the paramount chief of Tsenacommacah.

Who made the Navajo clothing?

Navajo clothing was fashioned and made by the Navajo females

Who was the king of the Powhatans?

Wahunsenacawh, often referred to as "Chief Powhatan" was the chief of the Powhatan people of Tsenacommacah.

How do you say in Navajo?

There are two ways you can say "Navajo" in Navajo. Dinémeans "The People" in Navajo. The Navajo call themselves "Diné". Nabeehó is another way of saying Navajo.

Who used the Navajo language?

the Navajo people in Southwestern United States

How did the Powhatan people pay tribute to their leader Wahunsonacock?

Wahunsonacock Powhatan born in the 1500's founded the Powhatan Confederacy, now known as the Powhatan Nation. Tribute was believed to be in the form of copper, skins and beads.

What language group did the Powhatan Indians belong to?

The Powhatan people spoke Powhatan or Virginia Algonquian, an extinct language belonging to the Eastern Algonquian subgroup of the Algonquian languages.

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It would be Victor Willis of the Village People.

What is the proper adjective for Navajo?

The proper adjective form for Navajo is Navajo, as in Navajo Nation, Navajo people, Navajo history, Navajo art, etc. An example sentence: We visited the Navajo display at the museum to see the Navajo jewelry.