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Q: In which hemisphere is Ecuador located?
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What hemisphere is Ecuador's?

Ecuador is located in the North and South Hemisphere.

What hemisphere Ecuador in?

Ecuador is located in the North and South Hemisphere.

What hemisphere is Ecuador in?

Honduras is in the western hemisphere of the world. it is next to Guatemala.

Is Ecuador in the Eastern Hemisphere?

Its actully in the southern Hemisphere

Is Cuba in northern or southern hemisphere?

Venezuela is located in the northern and western hemispheres.

Is South America Located in the Southwest hemisphere?

Most of South America is located in the Southern Hemisphere, however, Northern Ecuador, Columbia, and Brazil are on the equator/ in the north. Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, and French Guyana are located entirely in the northern Hemisphere, however.There is no such thing as a southwest hemisphere, but all of South America is located west of the Prime Meridian, so the answer would be Yes.

Which hemisphere is Central America located in?

Central America is entirely contained in the northern hemisphere. The equator runs through Ecuador, Columbia, and Brazil all of which are in South America. The other person is correct that Central America is entirely in the western hemisphere.

In what hemisphere is Quito in Ecuador?

The South-Western Hemesphere.

Were is Ecuador?

A equator is a "line" that divides the northern and southern hemisphere.

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Northern and southern hemisphere?

The northern hemisphere hold ps the North pole and the southern hemisphere holds the south pole. They are separated by the ecuador.

Where is the volcano Tungurahua located?

Its located in Ambato,Ecuador. ps: its true I'm from Ecuador