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Q: In which industry are the flying shuttle and spinning jenny?
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What industry did the spinning jenny and the flying shuttle help?


The flying shuttle and spinning jenny were technological advances in?

The Textile Industry

How did technological advances in the textile industry contributed to industrial revolution-?

Technological advances in the textile industry contributed to industrial revolution in that flying shuttle,spinning Jenny, Water frame, spinning mule were able to make textiles quickly.

What was one of the first inventions to improve the textile industry in England?

Spinning Jenny Cotton Gin Flying Shuttle

What machines caused the revolution?

Flying Shuttle, Spinning Jenny, Spinning Mule, and the Water Frame

The flying shuttle and the spinning jenny are two inventions that improved which industry?

textiles, study islands answers am i right lol

What are 5 inventions that changed industry in the late 1600s and in the 1700s?

the flying shuttle , spinning jenny , water frame , steam engine , and mule were invented .

What do the flying shuttle spinning jenny spinning mule and the water-powerd loom have in common?

All have to do with changing the making of cloth from a hand made to a machine made basis. They relate to the development of the textile industry.

Which was in invention made specifically for the textile industry?

Flying shuttle and the water mule were the new machines that were invented during the textile industry.

What is some benefits of the spinning jenny?

The spinny jenny was used to spin cotton yarn when it was invented in the late 1700's in England. The "flying shuttle" had recently been invented and put into use in the weaving industry, dramatically improving weaver's productivity. As a result, the demand for yarn (thread) increased dramatically. The spinning jenny allowed a single operator to create 8 spindles of thread at a time, instead of just one.

How did the spinning jenny change industry?

the spinning Jenny changed the industry by becoming the very first machine powered by water that was what kick started th IR

Which was an invention made specifically for the texture industry?

spinning jenny