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you find satellites in the exosphere

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Q: In which layer you find satellites and space shuttles?
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When were other shuttles launched and why?

There are a number of other shuttles that were launched. These shuttles were launched because more people wanted to find out information.

Does NASA have more than one spaceshuttle?

NASA created 2 space shuttles that would never fly in space. The first, Pathfinder. The purpoose of Pathfinder was to find the shortest and safest route from the location that it was built to the nearest airport so it can be delivered to the Kenedy Space Center. The second Shuttle that will never make a space trip is Enterprise. Enterprise was used for aerodynamic test and landing tests. Five other shuttles have been made; Columbia, Challenger; Atlantis; Discovery and Endeavour. Columbia and Challenger exploded during missions.

What happens to the space shuttles rocket boosters after they are jettisoned?

they come off the space shuttle and fall into the ocean and navy ships find them and bring them back to NASA

What happens to the space shuttles main tank after lift off?

nasa: never a straight answer, is building other Leo stations for other black projects we may find out about in the next fifty years maybe.

What does a satellite do in space?

A satellite can do many things. There are weather, communication, navigation, and scientific satellites. Mostly the names will help you. The weather satellites give info about the weather of earth at all times. The communication satellites help get you communicating with other people like over phone or radio and television. Navigation satellites help sailors and other vehicle drivers navigate thoughout where they are going. Scientific satellites basically find out sciency things about the earth like radiation.

Related questions

What are two things you might find in the exosphere?

You can find the international spation station and space shuttles in the exosphere.

Where would you usually find a satellite?

You would usually find a satellite up in space, and at places like ESA, JEXA, and NASA Note that the term "satellite" does not just refer to artificial satellites. The moon is a satellite because it orbits the Earth. Any of the moons of the various planets are satellites of those planets. The Earth (and the other planets) are all satellites of the Sun. A satellite is any body which is attached to another body via gravitational pull.

Is shuttles a game?

i am pretty sure you can find a game called shuttles

Where can I find close-up pictures of the sun?

The best place to find close up images of the sun would be on a site such as NASA. The site has images taken when space shuttles were in space and shots taken were as close as possible.

When were other shuttles launched and why?

There are a number of other shuttles that were launched. These shuttles were launched because more people wanted to find out information.

What do gps satellites find?

GPS satellites do not 'find' anything, that is not their purpose.

How many natural satellites are there in space?

There is absolutely no way to know how many natural satellites are in space. We are still finding some in our own solar system. Currently we can find some planets orbiting nearby stars but most that we can find are Jupiter like planets. The technology isn't accurate enough for detecting moons.

Where can one find a lego space shuttle to purchase?

One can find a Lego Space Shuttle to purchase on Amazon or eBay. Other places to check are your local Walmart, Toys "R" Us, and Kmart stores. A local Legoland may also carry Lego Space Shuttles to buy.

How many ways can you find to tesselate tile two-dimensional space with spidron arms?

it is an infinate number. if you keep adding layer after layer to get different combinations, you'll find out that it'll repeat

Does NASA have more than one spaceshuttle?

NASA created 2 space shuttles that would never fly in space. The first, Pathfinder. The purpoose of Pathfinder was to find the shortest and safest route from the location that it was built to the nearest airport so it can be delivered to the Kenedy Space Center. The second Shuttle that will never make a space trip is Enterprise. Enterprise was used for aerodynamic test and landing tests. Five other shuttles have been made; Columbia, Challenger; Atlantis; Discovery and Endeavour. Columbia and Challenger exploded during missions.

What happens to the space shuttles rocket boosters after they are jettisoned?

they come off the space shuttle and fall into the ocean and navy ships find them and bring them back to NASA

What happens to the space shuttles main tank after lift off?

nasa: never a straight answer, is building other Leo stations for other black projects we may find out about in the next fifty years maybe.