

Is 110 a normal weight for a 12-year-old who is 5'7''?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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17y ago

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110 pounds is rather underweight for 5'7" whather you are a boy or a girl. However it does not mean you are unhealthy. My 5'10" son is 112 pounds and is extremely healthy, never getting the cold etrc which the rest of the family get, so if this is normal for you don't worry. Check out this website which give average weights for height and age. Under 16s should not use an adult Body Mass Index chart as they tend to be lighter for their height than an adult. Obesity is a big problem and can cause major problems for the individual's health however, crash dieting and only eating certain foods is also bad for your health. I remember going on a starvation diet but didnt lose any weight and later found out that the body will hold on to anything it gets when it is under the stress of starvation. If you are not happy with your weight and would like to be the recommended bmi weight then eat healthily and exercise. calorie controlled diets can be helpful but as long as you eat the right foods. If you are a person who can't stand vegetables then eat fruit or vice versa. Look on the internet for a food pyramid which shows you everything that you should be eating. If you are unsure of what exercises to undertake buy an exercise video which you can do and eventually you won't need the video as you will have memorised the exercises. exercise also doesn't have to be boring and things like swimming, tennis, joining a kick boxing class, or even karate can be fun and these are cardio exercises which burn fat. Hope this helps

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17y ago
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