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Q: Is Monaco's orchestra bigger than its army?
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Which country has a national orchestra larger than it's army?

Monaco! Monaco!

Facts about the viola?

The viola is bigger than the violin, is lower in sound and is the melody of the orchestra.

What is the second smallest Instrument in the orchestra?

Violin is the smallest and viola is a little bit bigger than a violin

Did US have a bigger army than Britain in World War 2?

nope.Britain had a bigger army...its because Britain had alot of countries under it..

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china's army is about 2 to 3 times bigger than American army

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They had the same amount.

Was the us army bigger than confederate?

Yes, because of the bigger population in the North. But the Confederate army contained recruits who had been living closer to the riding and shooting way of life, and who had a naturally aggressive spirit.

Is a Tuba bigger than a Violin or a Clarinet?

Yes, a tube is bigger than a clarinet and a Violin size wise but if you mean popular instrument in a orchestra or band, clarinet is usually the biggest sections in a band tubes are usually one or two if you are lucky.

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Were the patriots outnumbered by the redcoats in the Civil War?

What do you think? America is over 5 times bigger than Britain in size, Britain was at war with France, which had a conventional army and was bigger land mass than Britain. More than half the British army was deployed in France than America. Americans outnumbered the British troops 20-1.

How big was the Athenian naval fleet?

Quite big. Since Athens was on the coast. A lot bigger than Spartan's army, since the Spartan army was land-based.

How were Spartans able to hold off a large Persian army?

Persians were way bigger than. Greek soldier and had better tools