

Is Somalia an Islamic country

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Q: Is Somalia an Islamic country
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What is one Somali holiday?

basically Somalia is an Arabic Mulim country, so have got Islamic festivals

Are people in Somalia ethinic or religious?

Somalia's religious history is varied but the predominant religion in the country is Islam with the majority of Muslims being Sunni. Other Islamic groups also exist in the country. Less than one percent are Christian.

Is Somalia poor?

Somalia is not poor, it has natural resources and gas, Somalia is almost Muslim country and have basic resources for the country.

Is Somalia in Uganda?

No, Somalia is an independent country - as is Uganda

Is Somalia a continent?

No,Somalia is a country in the continent of Africa.

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What continet is Somalia?

Somalia is not a Continent it is a country. in Central Africa

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Somalia is a country not a city. See related links

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Is somalia a capital?

No, in fact Somalia is an African country. Its capital is Mogadishu.