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Q: Is a father in Ohio required to be at his visitation session?
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The mother lives in Ohio and the father lives in Pa so which state does the father file for visitation in?

Ohio if the mother has lived there for at least six months. see links below

If you live in OHIO can a father who lives in Oklahoma get visitation right of a 4 and 5 and 2 year old if so which court does he have to go through?


Does unwed mother automatically have sole custody in Ohio even though father is on birth ceriicate?

Yes. He has to go to court to get his parental rights and prove it by a DNA test. Then he can apply for visitation, custody and pay child support. The birth certificate is not enough since no DNA test is required.

In Ohio I am the mother the father is taking me to court for either visitation or custody not sure which can I legally move out of state?

i just went through a similar situation. you must get permission from the court

Can an unwed mother in the state of Ohio pursue visitation rights against the father?

Once the father's paternity has been established in court she has to be able to prove he is unfit or the court will allow him his rights. If she refuses even though there is a visitation order she would be in contempt of a court order and could eventually lose custody if she continues to interfere with his visits.

Where did Armstrong grow up?

He was born in Wapakoneta, Ohio, but he grew up in various Ohio towns because his father's job required the family to move frequently.

What legal age can a child opt out of visitation in Ohio?

Age 18see links

Who has custody of minor childif parents were never married in the state of Ohio?

The mother. The father have to go to court to get his parental rights by providing a DNA test. he can then petition for custody, visitation and pay child support.

Is motorcycle insurance required in Ohio?

I am a Insurance Agent in Ohio and yes insurance for a motorcycle is required in Ohio.

What are the laws in Ohio about visitation for convicted felons?

The court considers many factors before deciding the visitation rights of convicted felons. They consider the crime committed and nature of the sentence.

Can a mother in the state of Ohio persue visitation rights against the father?

Depends on which family member. Grandparents are the only family members who have visitation right in the law in some states. Other family members have to rely in a good relationship with the parents.

What is the best high school in Cincinnati Ohio?

This answer depends upon what "best" means.