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PMS symptoms and pregnancy symptoms can be very simmilar. When I got pregnant, I didn't know I was because I felt the same symptoms that I feel during my PMS. I waited for my period to come, and since it didn't, I took the test and it came up positive.

Yes it is a sign of both. Mind you with my five children I never got gas unless I was pregnant. And it started early in pregnancy too.

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Q: Is a lot of gas and feeling bloated a sign of pregnancy or just PMS?
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It can be a sign of pregnancy, but then again it can be a sign of a lot of conditions. I suggest you take a pregnancy test to be sure.

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If you have missed a period it is possible, but it is also a symptom of so many things that this would not be the first thing I would think of.

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no sweety,that's just a sign telling you that your PERIOD is about to come.

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Could be an early sign of pregnancy, or PMS

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Can be but it can also be a sign of many other things. it's not a sure sign of pregnancy so take the test.

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