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With unprotected sex, your partner can also develop yeast infection. Infrequently, I get yeast infection under my arm. Mine is caused by a particular medication I take. It occurs in the folds of skin in the armpit.

Treating the infection with Monistat (yes, a vaginal cream for yeast infection, clears it up.

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Q: Is a yeast infection in the armpit contagious?
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It is not; they are separate causes. Chlamydia is bacterial, and yeast is fungal.

Is yeast infection communicable or non communicable?

Yes, yeast infections can be contagious. For the most part only the sufferer will be at risk, although the infection can be spread to other people it's not spread easily. Genital yeast infections can be passed between partners, thus one reason not to have sex during a yeast infection.

What is it called when a woman gets a yeast infection in her mouth?

Oral candidiasis or "Thrush"...this is treated with a mouthwash and is extremely contagious.

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Cryptococcus Neoformans is contagious in the fact that it can be passed from one human to another. This is a very rare occurrence, however. Cryptococcus Neoformans is the medical term for a yeast infection.

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If it's darker in color, it could be a yeast infection, contact your Dr. or Dermatologist...

Is thrush a contagious or communicable disease?

The answer to this question is no. Thrush dose not infect normal skin tissue it is just a yeast infection of the mouth.

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A yeast infection is not a sign of chlamydia.

What kind of infection is Tinea Versicolor?

I keep reading that this is not contagious however I contracted it from my boyfriend who had large amounts of it all over his torso, back, and arms. We dated for nearly two years and I never got it but once he moved in two months later I had it. :) If they don't understand what causes it to be triggered at all they shouldnt go stating that it's not contagious. It most certainly is. Maybe it's just rarely contagious.

Are ear mites contagious?

No a dog can't get a ar infection from a human. Humans can't catch ear infections from other humans either because ear infections are from yeast. Yeast forms when you have a moist warm environment so basily dogs ears. Yeast is like a bacteria of fungi.

What colour is your vulva if you have a yeast infection?

do you smell bad? then you might have a yeast infection. are you having nasty discharge? then you might have a yeast infection. are you having vaginal pain? then you might a yeast infection.

Is a yeast infection the same as a fungal infection?

There are different types of fungal infections.A yeast infection is a specific type of fungal infection (candida yeast).

Could a kidney infection cause armpit soreness?

If you have an infection in your body, the lymph system works to control the infection. The armpit soreness could be a lymphy node doing its job - fighting infection.