

Is an agnostic an atheist

Updated: 8/16/2019
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14y ago

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No. If they were, they wouldn't have a different name. An agnostic is someone who believes that humankind's knowledge of the observable world and universe is not adequate to make a logical determination regarding the existence, or non-existence of God. An atheist on the other hand, while they wouldn't deny the statistical possibility of a existing God, believes that mankind's knowledge of the observable world and universe is adequate enough to determine that the existence of God is an extreme statistical improbability. Regarding the religious texts of the monotheistic faiths (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam), atheists note that the God described in these texts is not congenial to the reality of the world and universe, as well as the human species. They also point out that the metaphysical claims of the Abrahamic texts have been factually refuted by scientific evidence for several hundred years. Atheism is often confused with Anti-theism, the gravitas of its case being the principled opposition to religion on moral grounds. * No, it is not, an agnostic is someone that would be willing to believe in any given religion, if significant proof were given. The agnostic does believe in a higher power, but until proven, does not choose a specific one god. An atheist on the other hand is a person that does not believe in any higher power, or, more simply put: a god. An agnostic is a person who has not come to a personal conclusion about the existence of a higher power, they have decided to wait until they find evidence from either side of the argument to make their decision. They have not denied the possibility that there is a God, but they don't follow a religion.

Answer In his book "The God Delusion", Richard Dawkins invents a scale from 1 to 7, 1 being people who claim to "know" there is no God and 7 being those skeptics who claim to "know" there is no God. Dawkins himself is a 6, claiming that while it is highly unlikely that there is a God, he does not believe in one. While it is possible to have formed no opinion on the issue, I believe it is possible to be an "agnostic atheist", this is not only prudent but necessary because if God were to clinch the argument by revealing himself, naturally any scientific minded person would adjust their beliefs accordingly. Agnosticism in and of itself is the refusual to come to any kind of conclusion about the nature of the Universe rather than the active denial of the claims of religion. Answer Yes, most people who call themselves agnostics or atheists share the position that there is not enough evidence for any of the gods that are proposed by the religions. The term agnostic was coined so that the unbelivers would have an socialy easier accepted name and position. If one looks at the difintions and statements from both agnostics and atheists, they are virtually undistinguable.

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