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Polar bears have transparent fur over black skin. Reflection of the sunlight from the densely packed transparent hairs makes polar bears seem to be white. The bears' black skin absorbs heat from the sun. The transparent fur is made up of hollow hairs called guard hairs. These air-filled guard hairs help transmit heat from the sunlight to the polar bear's black skin as a solar heat collector. In turn, the reflection stops the heat being lost from their black skin. Their fur is also waterproof, so it helps keep the bears warmer when they are in water.

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13y ago

It is very thick so it is used a lot... If you were a caribou in cold snow you would want think fur rite? through adaptation they hav thick fer to keep heat in and not let cold in..aka the purpose of insulation

Umm, should people who can't spell "right" correctly be allowed to answer questions? Fur is a good insulator because each indivisual hair keeps air trapped against the skin of the animal, and air is an excellent insulator. The trapped air keeps the animal's body heat from escaping, keeping the animal warm. If you think about how many hairs are in a caribou's coat and how much air that would trap, you can see how it keeps the caribou warm. When people get cold we get goosebumps - this raises the hairs on our bodies in an attempt to keep us warm, like how the caribou's hairs keep it warm. Obviously though, humans have much less hair, so we cannot stay as warm.

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14y ago

A polar bear's fur is a pretty good insulator.

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Why is the polar bear's fur not a good insulator in water?

I thought that the polar bears fur was a good insulator in water because how else would it be able to swim in the freezing temperatures of the Arctic Ocean?

How does fur help Arctic animals keep warm?

Fur is a good insulator and protects them against the cold.

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Caribou have a thicker coat of fur and wider hooves - nova net answer

Why do caribou have fur?

to deal with the cold

Is fur conductor or insulator?

It is an Insulator because it is not a metal

Why is the caribou on the quarter?

Becasue the fur is warm

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What is the best animal insulator?

their fur

Is fur a conductor?

no,it's not.No it's an insulator.

Is fur a conductor of heat?

No, it is not a poor conductor of heat, because if you think about it, the people over at Alaska use fur to generate heat for themselves.-----------------------------------------That is incorrect. Fur doesn't "generate" heat. It is merely an insulator, with an insulator being the opposite of a conductor, and a good insulator being equivalent to a poor conductor.In general fur is a good insulator due to the ability to trap air, and thus is a poor conductor of heat.When wet (sweaty, etc), it would conduct heat reasonably well.Most animals in places that experience harsh winters will grow a "winter coat" for additional insulation which they will shed in the spring.It traps the air inside it, for evolutionary purposes.

What is the body covering of a caribou?

The body covering of deer is fur.

Is sponge a good heat insulator?

it is good heat insulator, as it has air in it. as air is a good insulator of heat, the sponge, which has lots of pockets of air also becomes a good insulator