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No minerals in the water will be remove when it is boiled.

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it does nothing

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Q: Is boiled water better for plants?
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Do plants grow faster in salt water or boiled water or plain water?

boiled water

Does boiled water affect the growth of plants?

boiling water will kill a plant it touches.

In most power plants is water boiled to make steam?


Does water water plants better?

Yes. Water waters plants better.

What is better to water spray plants or watering them?

its better to water ur plants at the roots.

Is it better for a human to drink tap water or boiled water?

I prefer toilet water (so tap water)

Is boiled water distilled water?

No, boiled water is simply boiled. Distilled water is when the steam from the boiling is gathered and rebottled.

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Which dissolves faster salt or water in boiled water?

Boiled water.

Is tap water or bottle water better for plants?

tap water is not that good because of chlorine. So low mineral water in bottles is better for them the chlorine might not be that good for plants, but plants do need the minerals in tap water.

Why does steam work better for boiling than water?

Kaylem looks like a boiled EGG!

When water is boiled the water changes from?

When water is boiled it changes from liquid to a gas.