

Is cinder cone volcanoes the largest type of volcano?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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no, a shield volcano is.

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Q: Is cinder cone volcanoes the largest type of volcano?
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Which volcano is made entirely of tephra?

The cinder cone volcano is made entirely of pyroclastic.

Is a composite volcano bigger than a shield volcano and a cinder volcano?

Composite volcanoes are bigger than cinder cone volcanoes, but not shield volcanoes. With the possible exception of the Yellowstone Caldera, the largest volcanoe on earth is Mauna Loa, a shild volcano that makes up most of the island of Hawaii. The largest known volcano anywhere is Olympus Mons, a shield volcano on Mars.

What are the examples of cinder cone volcanoes in the Philippines?

Some cinder cone volcanoes in the Philippines are Musuan, or Calayao Volcano, and Mayon Volcano.

What are the example of cinder cone volcano in the Philippines?

Some cinder cone volcanoes in the Philippines are Musuan, or Calayao Volcano, and Mayon Volcano.

What are the three volcanoes?

the three volcanoes are: composite volcano, shield volcano, and cinder cone :)

What are some famous cinder cone volcanoes?

Ghicci Volcano, Alasad Volcano, Sheperd Volcano, Roach Volcano, Soap Volcano, and Price Volcano

What type of volcano is the smallest?

In order from smallest to largest are the types of volcanoes (I have this in my science notes, which I am looking at right now!)- Cinder Cone = smallest Stratovolcano (composite cone) = medium Shield Volcano = largest

What is formed by erupting volcanoes?

Cinder cone volcano

What type of magma erupts from a cinder cone volcano?

Cinder cone volcanoes are formed by basaltic magma.

What are the 3types of volcanoes?

Cinder cone, stratovolcano, shield volcano

Is Fuego volcano a shield volcano a compostie volcano or a cinder cone volcano?

The Arenal Volcano is a cinder cone volcano

Are cinder cone volcanoes dormant?

The type of volcano does not determine its level of acitivty. A cinder cone volcano may be active, dormant, or extinct.