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US "C" Corps pay on their Federal Taxable Income (which differs, frequently substantially, from Book or financial income), at a 35% rate. Which means fixed and proportional to me.

State taxes are a different matter.

Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) is applicable too.

Improvement: Personal Service Corporations (owner-operated businesses) do pay a flat 35% rate, but most entities that people think of as corporations, i.e. public corporations, pay generally increasing rates as their income increases, other than the weird 39% marginal bump between $100,000 and $335,000. U.S. corporate taxes therefore appear to be progressive for the corporations that get most of the attention related to this issue.

However, it is important to remember that corporate taxes are ultimately paid out of selling prices, so consumers are indirectly paying them. Selling prices on most goods and services are not adjusted by income level, so the poor and the wealthy pay the same amount of corporate tax when they purchase identical goods. In that sense, the corporate tax could be argued to be regressive, especially since the poor spend most of their paychecks on products and services, while middle class and wealthy people are able to save.

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Q: Is corporate income tax progressive proportional or regressive?
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Is the federal income tax proportional progressive or regressive?

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A proportional tax takes the same percentage of income no matter your income level. A progressive tax, on the other hand, takes a larger percentage of income as your income increases. An example of a proportional tax is the Medicare tax (everyone pays 1.45% of all income), while the U.S. income tax is an example of a progressive tax (higher incomes get bumped into higher tax brackets). Many people believe sales taxes to be proportional because everyone pays the same rate, but because sales taxes only apply to spending rather than overall income they almost always turn out to be regressive.

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A progressive tax is defined as a tax whose rate increases as the payer's income increases. That is, individuals who earn high incomes have a greater proportion of their incomes taken to pay the tax.A regressive tax, on the other hand, is one whose rate increases as the payer's income decreases.

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Taxes may be proportional taxes, progressive taxes or regressive taxes, based on how they are calculated.Some types of taxes are excise taxes, income taxes, sales and value-added taxes, and property (ad valorem) taxes.

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Taxes are classified as proportional, progressive or regressive. ÊProportional tax requires individuals to pay a fixed percentage of income no matter their level of income.ÊProgressive tax is one that increases with an increase in income, whereasÊregressive tax decreases asÊthe amount Êbeing taxed increases.

Are most income taxes considered progressive or regressive?

It depends on how the tax is structured. For example many many consider sales or gasoline taxes as regressive, because for low income groups -- it takes a higher percentage of their income to pay it. In the USA our income tax system is progressive, if you make more -- you pay a higher higher tax rate. (%). Please note, this is a simple answer to a complex question.

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It depends how you look at it.I believe its considered regressive based on income... Assume everyone spends the same amount of money on taxable goods... A poor person would pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes.It's proportional based on expenditures, but regressive compared to income levels.

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There are many different types of taxes including personal and business taxes. Business taxes doesn't include your personal taxes and are generally higher.

Is an Excise Tax a regressive tax or progressive tax?

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