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Creatine is naturally found in food such as steak which gives you about 5g in the average supplement you putting in about 50g

No that being said let me explain to you what it is creatine is naturally found in the human body has cell waste it along with Uria is filtered though the nephrons in your kidney and is voided out so how can something that is already found in your body be bad? We'll because the large amounts can strain your kidneys but if you cycle it every 6 weeks you should be fine as for it's muscle building benefits yes it does help build muscle but after you stop taking you will lose the water weight it stored in your muscle

All and all if you wanna take it go for it most of the time it tastes great it does work but it's not some miricle supplement does no better the. Your average whey

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11y ago

N---------- I can't delete the entire answer. Okay. So cretin. It works best for high intensity repetitive -short duration work outs like jumping, lift, etc. Some studies show two things: using a loading does (20g/day divided 4 times per day for 5-7 day_ followed by 5-10 g/ day prior to the short duration/high intensity exercise for maintenance may help you own body use it more efficiently and fill your bodies creatine storage's. And secondly, some people are non responders and only their body naturally makes and it doesn't help at all to take extra cretin. Weight gain is a side effect and cold be possible alongside or instead of muscle building, every person is different. its the best/healthiest muscle building option. However it does have risks of kidney injuries if you take too much too long. so if you aren't seeing the results you want after a month or so I'd stop!

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8y ago

Creatine enhances stores of the high-energy compound creatine phosphate (CP) in muscles. Theoretically, the more creatine phosphate in muscles, the higher the intensity at which an athlete can train. High-intensity training stimulates the muscles to adapt, which, in turn, improves performance.

Creatine is a bad drug! Believe me

The results of some studies suggest that creatine supplementation does enhance performance of short-term, repetitive, high-intensity activity such as weight lifting or sprinting. In contrast, creatine supplemention has not been shown to benefit endurance activity.

(source: Understanding Nutrition 11th Edition, by Ellie Whitney & Sharon Rady Rolfes)

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16y ago

creatine pumps water into your muscles which makes them temporaley stronger allowing you to lift more weigths and make your muscle stronger. However , it also puts a lot of pressure on the heart and liver which can eventually kill you like it has done to 3 Rugby players in the last 2 years

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13y ago

Only if your using it with a regular workout regiment and a high protein diet.

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11y ago

Creatine supplements are a powered substance. it helps you loose weight, and this works as it contains a VERY little amount of calories. It works best when dieting though.

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Does creatine affect the birth control pill?

No. Creatine is naturally produced in your body.

What vitamins have creatine?

Vitamins are totally different things to creatine. Good sources for creatine are fish and red meat. If you are willing you can also look into supplementing creatine. Creatine monohydrate is the most proven type of creatine supplement.

What does low creatine mean?

Creatine is a chemical that carries energy to cells in the body, primarily muscels. Low creatine means energy is not getting to your muscles as fast/good as it should be. Creatine supplements are often used by body builders. If this is concerning your/someone you know's health, go see a doctor and get the facts. don't rely on things you read on the internet. If it's just homework, then don't worry.

What is some good creatine monohydrate?

Creatine is naturally produced in the body to give the muscles in the body more energy. You can find them online from as cheap as $6. It comes in powder and tablet form. There isn't really a best brand when it comes to peoples opinions, but a lot of people would prefer to the creatine monohydrate that's doesn't have sugar in it.

Easy way to measure 5 grams of creatine?

5 grams of Creatine is about 1 teaspoon (all instructions say "heaped teaspoon", but 1 tsp is good for body builders and figure competitors).

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my creatine Kinase is that bad and what should i do

What is Creatine Ethyl Ester?

Creatine Ethyl Ester is a newer, slightly more expensive form of the popular supplement creatine. Creatine is most commonly sold in the form of creatine monohydrate. Creatine ethyl ester is, essentially, a modified form of creatine monohydrate that has been "esterified." This means that an ethyl ester compound has been attached to the creatine, which theoretically makes it more efficiently absorbed by the body.

Can you take creatine with water pills?

You can mix creatine with diet pills. It would not hurt anything or cause any negative side effects. Creatine provides energy to the muscles in your body.

What does creatine have to do with creatine?

Creatine is creatine. However, if you mean creatinine and creatine, they are two different things. Creatinine is created when the body breaks down creatine, and is a waste product. It is eliminated through the kidneys and into the urine. Creatinine in large amounts can cause kidney damage and can kill you, or put you into a dialysis machine for some time. However, this is usually caused when a large amount

What role does creatine play in the develpoment of lean muscle mass?

Creatine occurs naturally in the body and is an amino acid. Studies on the effect of creatine on the acquisition of lean muscle mass give mixed results though and the general consensus is that creatine can sometimes help with this, but not always.

Is it true that your body will quit producing it's own form of Creatine if you take too much supplemental Creatine?

Yes This is precisely why they tell you to cycle creatine so your body won't lose too much of its own creatine producing abilities. Just stay within your limits and forget about that loading phase and you should be fine. Of course, you could always just choose to not take any creatine. It is not as crucial as you would think.

Does creatine have testosterone it?

Creatine does not have any hormones in it. It simply adds to your store of energy in the muscles (it basically adds a phosphate to be used as ATP). You eat creatine in meat every day, and your body makes some as well.