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Im wondering this too, but I think Im just going to take a test and find out for myself, because Ive been experiencing this. Hopefully some one who is preggers will tell us, lol.

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Q: Is dizziness after eating a sign of pregnancy?
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Can early pregnancy cause nausea and dizziness?

Yes, for some women it can. It is worth talking to your midwife or doctor about it though, because it could be a sign of anaemia. Nausea and dizziness is quite common throughout pregnancy.

Your being hungry again shortly after eating is that a pregnancy sign?

being hungry after eating

What can cause lightheaded and dizziness feeling along with detached feeling?

an breakup or pregnancy or even slight sign of PMS or depression

Can dizziness tiredness and white discharge be a sign of early pregnancy?

Yes, but they can also be symptoms of ovulation (releasing an egg). take a pregnancy test if you miss your next period

How soon can you experience bloating and tightness in stomach?

That is not an immediate sign of pregnancy. It is more a sign of eating badly or worry.

If you are eating a lot does that mean you are pregnant?

No. If you are pregnant you may eat a lot, but it is not a sign of pregnancy, it is a sign of hunger and/or greed.

Would a lower back hurt and would you start eating more often than normal also does heat with dizziness be signs of pregnancy?

Yes they could be

Frequent Urination is that a sign of pregnancy?

No, I pee all the time after eating popcorn. I'm not pregnant. If you want to know if your pregnant go get a pregnancy test.

My girlfriend is a house fairy and she seems to be not eating that much Why is this happening?

Maybe she is depressed, lack of an appetite is a sign of depression in woman. It is also a sign of pregnancy.

Is not eating at all a sign of pregnancy?

No. Not eating at all can be a result of many things. If this is your only symptom I doubt that it is pregnancy related. If you are trying to get pregnant the best you can do for yourself is to EAT properly. If you had unprotecrted sex by accident and now you are late for your period and you have decreased appetite buy a home pregnancy test or see a doctor for a blood test. All the best!

Is cramping a sign of pregnancy on the IUD?

No, a positive pregnancy test is the sign of pregnancy on the IUD.