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Doxycycline? Yes

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Q: Is doxycycl a antibiotic
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Is doxycycl antibiotic?


Can you smoke weed while on DOXYCYCL HY 100 mg?

do you mean doxycycline? an antibiotic? if it's an antibiotic, then yea, you can smoke weed, man.

Does doxycycl hyc cap 100 clear system of drugs?

No. Doxycycline is an antibiotic. It clears your system of infection ("bad" bacteria).

What is doxycycl?

I had this infection with one of my testicle and the docter subscribed doxycycl. You can't go out in the sun or take with empty stomache.

Can you take Doxycycl for a tooth infection?


Does doxycycl HYC 100mg expire?


What is Doxycycl hyc 100mg cap mutual used for?

Doxycycl hyc 100mg is used to treat many infections is a type of penecilin.

Is doxycycl hyc and doxycycline hyc the same drug?


Can you take doxycycl hyc cap 100 mg for tooth infection?

Hope this helps somewhat. I am taking DOXYCYCL hyc 100mg for gum infection and periodontal reasons. 2 capsule a day. Your "Tooth infection" is not specific, usually gum infection and teeth problems go hand in hand or in this case "mouth in mouth", sorry, could not help that ! good luck! DOXYCYCL is from the tetricycline family Tom Hello,doxycycl hyc 100 mg will help clear up your infection,be shure to take it every day until your prescription is out,I will be on mine for 10 day's.100 mg twice a day is a good dose to clear up the infection.good luck,abcessed teeth/gum's are the worst. mel

Can doxycycl help with direha vomiting fever?

yes the help the stomach.

Can you take doxycycl hyc with dairy?

You shouldn't because it decreases absorption.

Can you take ibuprofen with doxycycl?

Ask a pharmacist and not a complete stranger like me on a public forum.