

Best Answer

It should be encouraged among consenting adults who demonstrate maturity and wisdom, have established themselves with a descent education, are debt free and have established at least some financial security.

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Q: Is early marriage good or not?
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Is early marriage good or bad?

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Explanation of how early marriage affects the quality of family?

early marriage

Why the early marriage is not good for the couple?

I don't think this is a question that anyone can answer but the people who are getting married. It is an opinion on what is considered "early". If you feel you are ready to get married then by all means get married.

What are the solutions for teenage marriage?

Giving good education to the teens by the parents can help in preventing early marriages to the youth nowadays.

What kind of family will be formed out of early marriage?

no one ever knows, but my guess will be not a good one.

How early marriage cause for population growth?

Early marriage also causes those people to have children early

What about forced marriages and early marriages in zambia?

Forced marriage and early marriage are harmful. Marriage should be by freewill and not forced.

How many percent teenagers involved in early marriage?

almost half of the population are involve in early marriage

Advantage of early marriage or teenager marriage?

You get to be young grandparents!

What are the advantages of early marriages?

They are no advantages of early marriage. A child is supposed to undergo enough training before undergoing marriage.

Causes implication of early marriage?

Early marriage may be cause by religious beliefs, personal choice, or unplanned pregnancy. The implications may be a short lived marriage.

What is the Related literature of early marriage?

Related literature of early marriage is literature that looks critically at the effects of early marriages. It focuses on all the integral aspects of such marriages.