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Q: Is having lower backaches sore breasts bloating and cramping in the middle of your uterus a sign of pregnancy?
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Is sore breasts and bloating signs of early pregnancy?

Sore breasts and bloating can be a sign of pregnancy, but sore breasts can also be a sign your periods due. With the bloating it wouldn't usually occur until about 10wks in pregnancy as you will find yourself constipated which naturally enough would cause you to bloat. When you arrive on your period date you can home test :)

What does cramping nausea and fatigue mean?

Cramping, nausea, and fatigue can be signs of pregnancy. These symptoms, along with tender, swollen breasts, and frequent urination are the first signs of pregnancy, after a missed period.

Heart burn headaches diarrea tirdness backaches sore swelling breasts one month missed period could this be pregnancy?


What are pregnancy symptoms if you are over 40?

The first symptom is a missed period. Then sore breasts, bloating, and nausea.

Could cramping bloating light bleeding and nausea be signs of pregnancy?

Quite commonly, yes. Your symptoms of pregnancy will usually appear anywhere from the first week of your expected period to 1-2 weeks after your first week of expected period. Your first signs of pregnancy most commonly include: * missed period * tender/swollen breasts * change in color of the breasts * fatigue * nausea/vomiting * increased sense of smell * weight gain Here is a link to a website that will calculate the probability of your pregnancy:

Burning breasts and bloating feeling?

Possibly. More so the burning NIPPLES than the bloated fealing. Take a pregnancy test.

What are the sine of pregnancy?

Missed cycles, nausea for a few days in a row (not necessarily the same time every day), tender and sometimes swollen breasts, fatigue/tiredness, frequent urination, headaches and backaches are early signs of pregnancy.

What should you look for for early pregnancy?

Most likely missed period, swollen breasts, Fatigue, Nausea, Backaches, Headaches, Frequent urination, and food cravings just to name some.

Did you miscarry if you tested positive for pregnancy but lost the tenderness in your breast and have been cramping?

I would not stress about it. My breasts are only tender for a few days and then that goes away. As for the cramping, it could have been implantaion cramping which would not last long either.

Can abdominal cramping sore breasts gas heat flashes nauseated and sleepeness be symptoms of pregnancy?

Yes, can be signs of pregnancy. Take an at home pregnancy test, or see your doctor for a more accurate blood test.

Are tingly breasts and cramping early signs of pregnancy at day 12 of your cycle?

on day 12 of your cycle these symptoms are probably because you are ovulating, not pregnant

Symptoms if u pregnant?

Light spotting and cramping, sore breasts, fatigue, morning sickness, a missed period, and mood swings are all signs of pregnancy.