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Yes it is safe to exercise on a women's monthly period. Although there are some cautions. Try not to bend so much, because the cramps from your period are already hurting, and bending would make them worst. But as far as walking, and lifting a lil weights, is safe.

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13y ago
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13y ago

It is completely fine to do Martial Arts during your menstrual cycle. It won't kill you. But, I suggest that you wear a tampon during practice. It gives you a better range of movement, but I wear a sports tampon & a regular pad during Judo, Taekwondo, & Aikido.

From a Chinese medicine point of view, it is very unhealthy for a woman to do physical exercise during her menstrual cycle. A woman's energy is low and her body is in need of conserving energy until she stops losing blood. In Chinese medicine, blood and energy are intertwined. If a woman is losing blood, she is essentially losing energy. Also If a woman increases her heart rate, she can increase the amount of blood flow. Furthermore she can cause cramping and painful premenstrual symptoms for the following months, or bring them on in more intensity if they are already present. And lastly, she will hasten the onset of aging, by never allowing the body to conserve energy when it is low.

**There are a lot of questions in this section about menstruation, the amount of days etc. that can be answered with some quick research on Chinese medicine's take on this**

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15y ago

Sure, why not? It isn't like anything is wrong with you, it's just a normal bodily function. Just double up on protection if you think you'll need to.

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8y ago

Yes, it will help with cramps and will lighten your flow.

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13y ago

It depends on the person. If your menstruation doesn't cause you any pains or problems, then go ahead!

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