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Outside the designated orders of the court, it would be considered abandonment 30 days after the end of any period of normal access rights.

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Q: Is it abandonment if a mother leaves her child to live with the father for six months if the child is 13?
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If a mother leaves her children in the care of a step father in Texas and goes to Oklahoma for 4 months can she be charged with abandonment if they are well taken care of?

the father should file for custody

Can a mother file for abandonment if she will not let the children go with the father?

It would be cruel to file abandonment charges against the father simply because he had no way of picking the child up. Arrangements could have been made. It is time both parents thought of the child and not themselves. If the father tried his best then accept it; if he is a dead beat father and the mother cannot rely on the father then file abandonment charges.

Mother has full custody of child and father has gone almost 6 months with no contact Is this child abandonment?

This is dependent on whether it is voluntary or due to denial of access, as happens in 60% of the cases.

Father and Mother are not married when Mother decides she does not want to be a Mom then abandons the Father and Child. Does the Father have legal rights for full custody?

The father must establish his paternity through the courts since he and the mother were not married. He can petition for full custody. He should consult with an attorney who specializes in custody issues. The mother's abandonment can certainly be used as evidence that the father should receive legal custody. He is providing the day to day care of the child.The father must establish his paternity through the courts since he and the mother were not married. He can petition for full custody. He should consult with an attorney who specializes in custody issues. The mother's abandonment can certainly be used as evidence that the father should receive legal custody. He is providing the day to day care of the child.The father must establish his paternity through the courts since he and the mother were not married. He can petition for full custody. He should consult with an attorney who specializes in custody issues. The mother's abandonment can certainly be used as evidence that the father should receive legal custody. He is providing the day to day care of the child.The father must establish his paternity through the courts since he and the mother were not married. He can petition for full custody. He should consult with an attorney who specializes in custody issues. The mother's abandonment can certainly be used as evidence that the father should receive legal custody. He is providing the day to day care of the child.

Is the baby giraffe closer to the mother giraffe or the father giraffe?

the baby giraffe is closer to the mother because after mating the father leaves

What is the time frame for child abandonment so father can gain full custody?

A child does not need to be abandoned by their mother for a father to be awarded full custody. If the father can demonstrate before a judge that the mother is unfit to parent, the judge can award him full custody of the child.

If the mother allows the child to move to their grandparents without informing the father of the change what can he do?

File a claim of child abandonment and for custody. see links below

How old is a platypus when it leaves its mother?

Young platypuses stay with their mother for about four months (115-125 days).

What is a sentence using the word 'abandonment'?

The abandonment of the project left him with mixed feelings. The house is falling down because of its abandonment. The child's abandonment left him scarred for life.

Is it considered child abandonment when a father does not exercise his visitation rights for a certain length of time?

yes, but is the gatekeeper mother creating problems to the point where he gave up?

Is it abandonment if a mother doesn't contact her daughter for over 9 months?

12 months with no contact whatsoever (including child support payments)

Can a mother file for abandonment for a teen?

yea its easy!!