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It is better if you eat before because when you exercise you just burn the fat right off.
You should eat a small snack for fuel, like a apple or protein bar. By the time you drive to the gym you will be ready to work out. After your workout you will be hungry, so eat something when you get home. But don't forget to drink lots of water during your workout because your body especially your muscles need that H20. Just eat right.

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Q: Is it better to exercise before eating or after eating?
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exercise, good diet habits (not eating to close to going to bed -3hrs) and a better diet with less simple sugars in general. EXERCISE! Good eating habits can help but its mostly exercise. <3

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Somewhat empty. If you just finish eating before you exercise, you'll cramp up easier.

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You will obviously have less energy. I have experimented the effects of eating and not eating before exercise. I concluded that when I have something to eat before exercise (not necessarily right before exercise) I am able to run for a longer period than when I do not consume anything.

How long should you wait between eating and exercise?

60-90 mins it doesn't matter too much, although it IS better to exercise first, that way you burn it off before you eat it! and you will eventuly higher your matablism!

What can make you sleep at night?

exercise, good diet habits (not eating to close to going to bed -3hrs) and a better diet with less simple sugars in general. EXERCISE! Good eating habits can help but its mostly exercise. <3

How long before exercise should you eat?

One should wait at least one hour after eating to exercise. Allowing your body to digest the food before working out can prevent nausea during intense exercise.

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Dance people exercise before they dance so they can move better and dont hurt themselves.

Is better to eat before exercise?

No it can make you throw up, or feel lazy. Try not to eat any later than an hour before you exercise.

Will you lose weight if you exercise and improve your eating habits?

That is great you are doing both.. are you writing down what you are eating? Are you eating enough calories in a day? are you eating too many calories in the day? .. You may not lose weight even if you exercise and improve your diet if you have an underlying hormonal problem . So get your self checked by your GP before going on any exercise program.

Is it better to exercise or rest before sweezing a clothespin?

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