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A sealant was done on a tooth of mine and not 2 years later did a first cavity apear. Although sealants help protect for the future, they will not always work. Its deffinitly a good idea to have it done but like condoms theres always that 6% chance that it will escape.

AnswerIt is possible that the sealant fell off the tooth. There is no guarantee that a sealant will stay in place, especially if you eat hard foods (like hard candy or corn nuts) and the typical life span for sealants, even whey they are correctly placed by trained professionals, is about 6 years. Then there is the idea of taking proper care of your mouth at home and taking control of your diet and watching the types of junk you put into your mouth. How often did/do you brush? do you do it correctly? Do you use dental floss? Correctly? Please don't be so ready to complain to a dentist about getting a cavity if you are partly to blame by not following recommendations or not taking responsibility. Do you blame a tire manufacturer for a blowout after you drive over broken class and nails? It's the same thing. There are no guarantees given by dentists. If yours did, he/she made a major mistake. AnswerIt is not very common to have cavities after dental sealants have been put on teeth, unless the diet and hygiene are very bad.

Put in mind that dental sealants only last about 5 years, and should be redone.

AnswerI got sealants put on about 4 years ago and that dentist said I never had a cavity. I just went to another dentist and it seems once the sealants wear off a little you start getting tons of cavities (19 in my case). In order to stop those new cavities from the sealants you must get more sealants put in. Seems that when you have more sealants put on your teeth they prevent the cavities the old sealants caused. I would have been better off never having the sealants, before I only got one cavity every year or two... Now 19 in one year.
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Q: Is it common to get a cavity after dental sealants have been applied?
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Who discovered dental sealants?

I think you mean sealants to prevent cavities right? When I was about 13 my dentist put them on a few of my back teeth (the deeper ones which he thought were prone to cavities). I am 27 now and have a cavity in most back teeth except for the ones that have the sealants on - would highly recommend for a child - not expensive and they have lasted forever. Dental sealants have been in common use for over 30 years, and they have been improved over the years. It is known that the most likely place for a child to get a cavity is in the small pits and grooves in their back teeth. That is because these small pits and grooves are extremely difficult and sometimes impossible to keep clean. A dental sealant is a plastic coating that fills in the pits and grooves before a cavity occurs without removing any tooth structure as is done when a traditional filling is placed.While not 100% effective in preventing cavities, sealants can significantly reduce the risk of getting cavities on the back teeth, especially if the child visits their dentist frequently (twice a year) to have worn out or missing sealants replaced.A sealant must be placed before a cavity appears in the tooth. Once a cavity is diagnosed by the dentist, a traditional filling must be placed.

How often should kids get dental sealants?

Dental sealants are thin, protective coatings applied to the chewing surfaces of the molars and premolars to prevent tooth decay. They are particularly useful for children who are still learning how to properly care for their teeth. The American Dental Association recommends that children get dental sealants as soon as their permanent molars come in, which typically occurs between the ages of six and twelve. The first molars usually come in around age six, and the second molars typically come in between ages eleven and fourteen. Children should get dental sealants as soon as possible after their molars erupt to prevent decay from forming on these teeth. Additionally, it is essential to ensure that children receive regular dental checkups to monitor their oral health and ensure that the sealants are still intact. Children should also maintain good oral hygiene habits, including regular brushing and flossing, to maximize the effectiveness of dental sealants in Carstairs. Overall, dental sealants can be a valuable tool in preventing tooth decay and protecting children's oral health. Contact our dentist near you and book an appointment today!

What dental work is covered by medcaid?

Orthodontics with an authorization , fillings , sealants , cleanings

How much should dental sealants cost?

$30~$60 depending on geographic area.

What is a dental carry?

Dental Caries is just a plain ole cavity.

Should you fill a cavity immediately or is it better to wait?

Of course it is better to fill it immediately and stop any further damage to the tooth. Why would you wait? So the cavity can get bigger? So the whole tooth rots away so you don't have to fill it?

Which insurance do you use for the patch of a sinus cavity Health or dental?

Dental insurance plan

What is another word for cavity?

Hole, dental carie.

Can a dental assistant may apply fit and fissure sealants under the personal supervision of a licensed dentist.?

I do not think so. That is impossible

How do you spell cavaty?

The correct spelling is cavity (a hole, or dental caries).

Should dental sealant be put over a cavity?

You would not place a sealant over a filling in all cases, but it can be done and in fact is indicated in some circumstances. There is considerable research to support this technique in a number of dental studies. It is true that some sealants are opaque and you cannot see through them, but you cannot see through a filling either. Placing a sealant to repair the edges of an existing filling is not going to make it any less likely that you can detect caries in the future, and in fact is often the most conservative way to address a minor defect on an existing filling. Sealants placed correctly have a proven track record - but they can't just be thrown on a tooth carelessly, with saliva contamination or inadequate light curing and expect them to work - they have to be done carefully and correctly. I do not agree with the answer immediately below, but think it is fair to let others have their opinion.----------------------------------------------------NOOOOO!!!!! should there be recurrent caries (the clinical name for cavity) the sealant will hide the cavity underneath and the dentist will not be able to diagnose the cavity without an xray. Don't seal teeth that have previous filling or a history of cavities.Agreed - but I have just had a horrible experience with sealants, and have recently found several of my peers experiencing the same. Over time, the sealants break down, and it is not possible for a dentist to know what is lurking underneath until they are completely removed (xrays nor laser will detect decay under sealants). I had my 8 removed, and there was SIGNIFICANT damage under all my teeth. I am now doing more research but feel that there is more damage than good by getting sealants - I recommend brushing and taking care of your teeth and NOT sealing them. Don't have happen to you what has happened to me.DEFFINETLY!!! YOU SHOULD GO FOR IT TAKE THE RISK!!!! DO YOU REALLY WANT TO TAKE FOREVEN TRYING TO MAKE YOUR TEETH BETTER BY BRUSHING YOUR TEETH AND HAVE IT MAKE A SLOW IMPROVMENT OR GET TEETH SEALANTS AND THEN BRUSH!! THE CHANCES OF ANYTHING WRONG HAPPENING IS LIKE 10 IN A MILLION HERE IS SOME INFO ABOUT ITWhat was the human invention?Teeth SealantsWhat is the material used for?The term "dental sealant" or "tooth sealant" refers to a plastic resin that a dentist bonds into the grooves of the chewing surface of a tooth as a means of helping to prevent the formation of tooth decay ("cavities").The chewing surfaces of the molar and premolar teeth have grooves - "fissures" - that make them vulnerable to decay. These fissures can be deep, are difficult to clean, and can be narrower than even a single bristle of a toothbrush. Plaque accumulates in these areas, and the acid from bacteria in the plaque attacks the enamel and cavities can develop. Fluoride helps prevent decay and helps protect all the surfaces of the teeth, dental sealants provide extra protection for the grooved and pitted areas by providing a smooth surface covering over the fissured area.What is the benefit of the new material?By bonding plastic resin (the dental sealant) into the grooves of a tooth a dentist can create a tooth surface that is smoother. There are no longer any locations on the chewing surface of the tooth that the bristles of a toothbrush can't access and clean. Since dental plaque can be removed more easily and effectively, there is much less of a chance that tooth decay will form.Dental sealants act as a barrier, protecting the teeth against decay-causing bacteria. The sealants are usually applied to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth (premolars and molars) where decay occurs most often.What are some problems associated with the new material?Cavities, or dental caries, remains the most prevalent childhood disease and continues to take a heavy toll on children's health and well-being across certain socioeconomic, racial, and ethnic groups. From all available data it is clear that inadequate access to dental care is commonplace for children of families living in poverty despite tremendous advances in prevention.In Oregon, dental disease continues to be a significant health problem for segments of this population. Low-income individuals have substantial amounts of disease and limited access to dental care. The 2002 Smile Survey found that more than 56% of Oregon children aged six to eight have a history of dental caries. Nearly one in four (24%) Oregon children surveyed had untreated dental decay, and children from low-income families were 2.5 times more likely to have untreated dental decay.Serious tooth decay in children affect their fundamental well-being and sense of self. Children with unmet dental needs suffer the daily distraction of chronic toothaches, the acute and searing pain of dental abscesses, disfigured smile, dysfunctional speech, and difficulty eating. For every one hundred school children, 5.7 days of school, on average, are lost due to dental disease. In Oregon, that average translates to nearly 52,000 missed school days because of dental problems in 2002.Children with dental decay who lack access to dental care are often not brought to seek care until decay is severe. More often than not, this results in very expensive, invasive, and drastic measures to address the problem, and usually involves a visit to the Emergency Room.Clearly, dental caries are well worth preventing.Although dental sealants are relatively inexpensive and are known to be an efficient means of preventing caries, they are underused in Oregon. In 2002, only 31% of all second-grade respondents had sealants. Among third-graders eligible for free or reduced lunch at schools, only 42% received sealants. Among non-white and/or Hispanic children, only 45% received sealants.Schools have proven to serve as an innovative access point for children to receive sealants. In schools, children are not removed from the comfort of a familiar environment, and are less anxious and fearful of receiving a dental procedure, albeit a painless one. More importantly, all children (for whom parents or guardians have consented) receive a screening, and every child needing sealants may receive them. Children are not stigmatized by being singled out during the screening and sealing process.What was originally used before teeth Sealants were invented?In the past when a pin head size cavity was found dentists were taught to place a large pea sized lump of mercury/silver in an oversized preparation. In order to do that, they drilled away about 1/3 of the middle of the tooth. This excess drilling weakens the tooth 75% and often leads to broken and dead teeth (root canals and crowns) later in life.

How can you get a cavitiy under a crown?

When you have a dental crown, it is less common to have a cavity on the tooth because it is protected. However, the place where the crown meets the tooth can still get a cavity, that is why hygiene is important even though a crown is on the tooth, especially flossing. The two ways to get a cavity under a crown are:A cavity started between the crown and the tooth at the gum level.There was a cavity left on the tooth when the crown was put (more rare).