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The schools have their rules and they need to be followed so even if they say it's bullying according to their rules, that does not mean it is outside of the school and by law. But on the school ground you have to follow the rules. Either way was it not appropriate for you as the adult to ask the child directly. You should have spoken to the parents first. There are million of things and games going on between our kids in school that we don't know. Don't forget to ask the teachers. Maybe your child started the whole thing and this is payback. And then you come as a authority, which you are as an adult and parent, and ask something that can be very sensitive. I understand you want to protect your child and end rumors because they can be horrible, but this have to be done parent to parent. And did you expect the child to say "Yes I did it"? of course they wont. And this is another reason parents have to deal with it. We know when they lie. So contact the parents, invite them to dinner and talk it over. Usually children have a much easier time when just being the 2 of them. in school there is so much prestige and you have to be popular. not the same when you are just 2 in the room in your own home.

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Q: Is it considered bullying if you as a parent ask another child in school if they are spreading rumors about your child?
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Bullying is the unwanted aggressive behavior observed in the school going kids. Bullying can be of many types they are teasing, talking about hurting someone, leaving kids out on purpose, attacking kids and hitting them hard, spreading rumors etc. Kids bully others for fun, think bullying helps them to fit in, and also think that he is better than the kid whose getting bullied. These people use their power to hit the people. The children who are bullying can have problems when they grow up older, like using alcohol and drugs, aggressively getting into fights and dropping the school. There is no bullying in the home schools because children will not be attending the school physically. There is less scope for the home schooled students to meet the group of children like traditional schools. The kids will be in the parent's supervision in the home school. Bullying doesn't happen in the home schools.

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Obviously if your teacher doesn't care about the bullying, they are not a very qualified individual to be a role model. If the bullying has increased to a severity that you feel scared or threatened, find another adult you feel you can trust. A parent, another teacher, maybe your principal. Many high schools also have a school counselor. Explain to them what has been happening to you, and they can help you deal with these bullies. Again, if your teacher doesn't care there is something wrong with them. Find an adult to help you if the bullying is affecting you negatively. No one should be treated like that. It is a violation of human right.