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Swedish authorities have recently okayed for pregnant women to eat sushi. They are reffering to all cooked toppings, such as shrimps, and to salmon that has been frozen for at least three days. The salmon is given antibiotics at the fish farms and do not contain any parasites. There is a bacteria called Listeria which could appear in fish which has not been kept properly cold (below 4 degrees celsius) which in e worst case could cause a miscarriage, but this has only happened once, in the 1970s, and even then it was not proved that this was the actual cause of the miscarriage. You should also not eat too much fish from Östersjön (Between Swden/Finland) and really large fish like tuna and flounder, because they live for long and collect a lot of metals in them.

Tip! Always check to see if the salmon looks/smells good. Trust your nose and instinct, and remember there are a lot of Japanese people still alive :)

No! Maybe if it's vegetarian, but no raw fish when you're pregnant!!

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15y ago

Sushi by its definition is not totally cooked, so there is the danger of food borne illnesses, some of which can kill your unborn child. Salmonella poisoning is a very real danger as is ecoli. If they do not seriously injure your pregnancy, they can make the real problems of pregnancy even worse. Please consult your doctor before eating sushi and follow his reccommendations.

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12y ago

Yes, although she should be very careful about what types of sushi she eats, where the sushi comes from and how much she eats. Sushi is made from raw fish and other raw seafoods, which can carry a wide variety of bacteria and viruses, some of which can be devastating to a fetus. If the woman has any concerns about getting sick with a disease that could cause her to miscarry her child, I would suggest cooking all fish thoroughly until after she delivers and potentially after she is done breastfeeding.

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13y ago

Not that I can think of but you shouldn't eat raw fish or meat when pregnant. You can get salmonella.

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