

Snorkel with period

Updated: 9/28/2023
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14y ago

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The presence of menstrual fluid (remember-you are not hemorrhaging-it is not "blood" per se but "menses"--the lining of the uterine wall that is red with blood cells from the interaction with your blood vessels) in the water will not attract sharks right away, although they may sense the presence of red blood cells in the water and come to investigate at night (which is when they tend to hunt anyway) long after you are already out of the water.

Depending on where you are in your cycle, the cold of the sea water at most snorkeling sites may be extremely uncomfortable for you, especially on the first or second day of your period. Remember when your mother told you to keep your hands out of cold water while you are having your period? She was right! Cold water temperatures contract the uterus and make you menstrate harder, creating cramps or nausea. I have a retroverted uterus, which made this situation a whole lot worse in the days before menopause! But, on the few times I tried it, some Extra Strength Tylenol allowed me to snorkel slowly anyway and enjoy my trip--although not as much as I usually do!

Be sure to always have tampons with you and put in a fresh one (or even two) well before you snorkel. The bathrooms at most snorkeling facilities or on most boats are not very clean or comfortable for changing purposes, and used tampons gum up the system on a "marine head" type toilet, creating extra problems for the boat and its crew. There are new products on the market such as "Instead" (functions much like a diaphragm) that will stop the external flow for several hours while you are on a snorkeling trip that might be a good substitute, although these are too new for me to have given it a try before menopause.

Make sure to have some fresh sanitary napkins with you for after your swim. Once again, I learned this lesson the hard way! Swimming wets the tampon(s) even more, and you may very well "leak" from the tampon(s) once you are out of the water! On one occasion in Bermuda, I did not realize this, and the guys on the boat had to follow around after me with a hose, washing off the deck once I got out of the water!! Fortunately, they had no idea it was me who was causing the problem, since there were a lot of other women on the trip with us!! They just assumed it was one "of the women" who was creating the mess on the deck!! <VBG> Embarrassing for me all the same!! If you are into the heavy phase of your period, go to the bathroom (or find a private spot) and just stick a napkin onto or under the loose nylon pocket of your suit. This just takes a few seconds and will make you feel more secure and comfortable.

--PegNDerek's Snorkeling--

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