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It is best if they are composted first for several reasons. Firstly, they can form a water-repellent mat and thus cause water stress. Secondly, there may be seeds of grass or weeds in the clippings. Thirdly, some types of grasses are invasive and will quickly take over your garden. Kikuya is one grass that will do this. Also, there is a risk of soil imbalances occurring if the clippings are fresh. All of these problems are neutralized by the composting process.

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Q: Is it good to put grass clippings in the garden. If so how much?
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What is best for a lawn on sandy soils is it best to mulch the lawn or remove the clippings each mowing How much is a good amount of mulch to build up Does mulch hold moisture and prevent rapid drough?

The grass clippings provide a great source of nitrogen for the grass. It is best to leave the clippings. It does help retain moisture. The grass clippings can even be used as a mulch for plant beds.

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The grass palet in Garden City Kansas costs about $50.

How much garbage is saved with using a compost pile?

This depends on if you throw away all your clippings of veggies and fruit and if you throw out grass clippings and leaves. These would all be thrown in compost piles. -Super Llama

Is it bad to leave lawn clippings on you're grass your husband and you argue over this all the time?

I actually leave the clippings, but I have a mulching blade on my mower which cuts up the grass a little finer that non-mulching blades. If you have a mulching blade and leave the grass cuttings they just decompose but if not and you leave too much, it could cause some issues, more thatch, etc.

Do grass clippings make greenhouse gases?

Decomposing grass clippings release carbon dioxide under aerobic conditions and if burned. They release methane if decomposed under anaerobic conditions. These gases are greenhouse gases. The carbon dioxide emissions pretty much balance with the amount removed to create the grass. The methane is 21 times as potent a GHG as carbon dioxide so the greenhouse impact would be more significant.

Do grass clippings belong in the compost pile?

Yes, grass clippings belong in the compost pile. They break down readily within a year, cooperate with composting procedures, exhibit maneuverable size, and number among the eligible carbon- and nitrogen-rich recyclable materials from which dark-colored, fresh-smelling, nutrient-rich organic matter forms in the compost pile.

Do they reccommend mulching lawns and how much?

When they recommend mulching lawns, what is usually meant is using a mulching lawn mower. The grass clippings break down and feed the existing grass. The more often the lawn is fed, mulch, the better it will be.

Can a dull mower blade cause your grass to turn yellow?

A dull mower blade will "tear" the grass instead of "cut" it. The jagged blades of grass will dry up and cause your lawn to look brownish or even yellowish - much like when cut grass clippings turn from green to brown/yellow as they dry up.

How much would it cost to clear a 100m sq garden of bamble and couch grass?

a lot

Can you give horses grass clippings?

No you can't because horses are grazing all the time throughout the day, and only eating small amounts at a time. So when you give them grass cuttings they are eating far much more grass as when they are grazing so their digestive system can't handle all the grass at one time, and it will most probably give them colic, and then they may die.

Should you feed your horse grass clippings?

Fresh grass clippings may cause choke as they are damp and will ball together in the horses mouth and esophagus when it swallows. If the mass makes it down into the stomach it may be hard for the stomach acid to break the ball of clippings up and it could pass into the intestines intact causing a blockage and colic, which may require surgery. Another factor is chemicals from the lawn mower possibly leaking out unnoticed and then poisoning the horse when it eats the grass clippings. If you wish to feed grass to a horse, simply pull it up by hand and give it as a treat, or let the horse hand graze in areas where it is safe to do so.

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