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might be preterm labor. its worth calling the doctor or going to the hospital to be checked just in case. dont let it go too long. this is a serious issue

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Q: Is it just stretching and growing pains or a problem when you are 7 weeks 6 days pregnant you have been having light cramps all day but no bleeding?
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You are pregnant when should you call your doctor with a problem?

Bleeding, and or cramping, lack of movement later on.

What is problem Am on second day prov era tab due to missed period and have bleeding am trying to get pregnant?

Call your doctor NOW.

What if your having your period for a whole month?

It means that your pregnant or you have some problem with your bleeding systems. If you have it for a week make sure to go to doctor to see what has happened.

What lab test or procedures will the doctor order for vaginal bleeding while pregnant?

The best way to find out what is happening is to have an ultrasound scan, so you can actually see if there is a serious problem. Often there is no apparent reason for vaginal bleeding in pregnancy.

Is it normal for your stomach to be tender to the touch at 17 weeks' pregnant?

yes, sometimes women experience things like that. Cause i had that problem when i was pregnant. But i was about 22 weeks pregnant. But if it get to bad and it doesnt stop see a doctor. But the main thing that is cause of your stomach is stretching. So try to rub lotion on your tummy.

What if you have a heavy flow on your period right know and had protected sex a little over a month ago could you be pregnant?

First of all, it is possible to still have what you believe is a period and be pregnant. Spotting may occur due to the embryo implanting in the uterine wall. In fact,vaginal bleeding is a common problem in early pregnancy, complicating 20-30% of all pregnancies. Many people continue to have it for many months of their pregnancy and some continue throughout. There are some statistics that show a high percent of women with first trimester bleeding go on to have a miscarriage. This number may be as high as 50% Also, severe pain or bleeding during early pregnancy may be a sign of a serious problem known as ectopic pregnancy. You should see a doctor right away if you are pregnant or believe you are and have bleeding and pain. 3% of women with first trimester bleeding turn out to have this problem. Any bleeding in the second or third trimester of pregnancy is consider abnormal and a medical professional should be consulted. The bottom line is if you are pregnant and having vaginal bleeding, see a health care provider.

What is the problem in stretching out the maturity of marketable securities?

there is greater possibility of loss.

What causes rectal bleeding upon elimination and is something wrong if the blood is bright red and the toilet is full of this blood and I am not pregnant?

i had same problem and my doctor said it ws just hemrhoids.

You took nuva ring out early and started bleeding is this normal I am trying to get pregnant will the bleeding affect my ovulation phase?

I am having the exact problem right now. I was on the nuva ring and took it out 3 days ago and now I am bleeding. I am trying to get pregnant. Can anyone help us on this question please? Yes, It is not a problem, it is what happens when you take the nuvaring out. Your body stops receiving the hormones and you get your period, If you are trying to get pregnant I recommend waiting a month or two after taking the nuvaring out. I got pregnant after taking my nuvaring out after being on it for a year and it was an empty sack or "blighted ovum", no baby etc. I still miscarried the sac and it hurt like light labor pains/ terrible cramps.. Well Good Luck!

What is the most common problem resulting from Meckel's diverticulum?

The most common problem is inflammation or infection that mimics appendicitis.

Can get pregnant after 20th day of period?

First of all, if you have been bleeding out of your ({}) for 20 days then you have a much bigger problem. It sounds like a severe case of vagimicosis to me. Go see your local gynocolgist.

You are 6.4 days pregnant and have been bleeding for almost a week now This is a more like a discharge than blood and is brown in color you have no cramps but your tummy feels a bit fluttery?

You are not alone. I have same problem. Brown discharge with no much pain. Had U/s on week 6 and saw a little beautiful life inside with 118bpm. Still getting discharge. Guess this is because the Uterus is stretching. Good luck to you.