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well, it depends. in some countries this matter is allowed. it depends on which country you live in.

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Q: Is it legal for a relative to give a child to a another relative without the courts being involved?
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I think so, however you will need the courts permission for the child to visit you and leave their home state.

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The courts are created using a legal procedure which is guided by the constitution. The Congress is the main body involved in the creation of the courts.

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No. Only the courts can award legal custody.

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No, you cannot.

In North Carolina at what age can you move out of your parents' home and live with another family member?

North Carolina (and every other state for that matter) considers anyone under the age of 18 to be a minor. As a minor, your parents have the control/authority to decide where you can/can't live. If your parents are not willing to give you permission to move in with this relative, then the relative can request that the court award them custody of you. You will have to prove to the court that it's better for you to live with this relative than your parents. There has to be a valid reason for it. The courts do not like to override the authority of a parent, and they won't do it without legitimate cause.

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