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That will vary. The bigger question is, why would a kid have a cell phone at school? Not being picky, but it makes a difference. If it's against the rules, then the teacher could probably at least take it. If not, then I don't think he should have.

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Q: Is it legal for a teacher to look through a kids cell phone if they dont have an reason to?
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Can a teacher take a students phone a search through their personal belongings?

Yes, if there is a reason for the search. Let's say that you are suspected of stealing something, so if the teacher searches your book bag it is legal. Your locker can also be searched, but a physical search should only be done by the police/parent/school officals. Civil rights of students are limited and if there is "reasonable cause" for the search it is legal as well as taking the phone since in most schools the phones are not allowed in the classroom.

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You may have to track it through your local law enforcement department but will have to have a good reason to do so.

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Not if it's your personal one. If it's the company phone he has the right.

Can a school charge you money to get your cell phone back?

No, they cannot. If a teacher, principal, etc. takes your phone for a good reason, then they can keep it until the end of the year, if they'd like It IS illegal to look through anyone's phone without permission on any circumstances. Your parents can do it, but that's only if they bought it, etc. and the school cannot charge money to get your phone back, I'm pretty sure that's illegal, too. Answer: NOPE

Why cell phone be disrespectful to the teacher?

because as a teacher u will not learn from a phone

How long can police tap your phone?

as soon as they are interested in you......

Can you ask not to be recorded on your phone call?

The best you can do is get a lawyer who can help you during the call. There is usually a legal reason for the call to be recorded.

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If its a teacher you shouldnt be talking on a cell phone in class.

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What is the phone number to citimortage legal department

Where can I do a cell phone search and is it legal?

It is perfectly legal to look up a cell phone number and numbers are available through. Reverse lookup directories are available and numbers listed are easy to find. It has a directory that if you search for a particular number, you will easily locate it.

Can school keep a phone overnight?

no... matter of fact u better not give any teacher ur cell phone cause when they ask for mine i just tell them no. and that's that