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Of course, that is legal in all states. This is how new families are created after a divorce. You are a single woman and can live with whoever you want as long as that person is not harmful for the child. It's not unusual that the ex becomes jealous but that is usually until he also meet someone new.

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Unless there are conditions in the divorce decree that say otherwise, you can do what you want as long as you do honor the terms of your custody agreement. But what you should be most concerned with is how this will affect your child. You are living with a man that is not his dad and you are going to have to be very careful to make sure your child does not feel that he is not wanted or does not belong, and you need for your boyfriend to understand the same things and is gentle and doesn't try too hard to insert himself into your child's life before your child is ready. Then you need to be ready to explain why you are living with a man that you are not married to, and sleeping with him, when we try to teach our children right, wrong and morality.

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Q: If you live Arkansas can you and your child move in with your boyfriend after your divorce?
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Is it legal in Arkansas to live with your boyfriend when you have joint custody of a child with your ex husband?

Yes, single parents, regardless of divorced or never been married, are free to live with whoever they choose as long as that person is not bad for their child. This is what happens after people with children divorce - they find new partners and moves on.

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If a child wants to live with the child's boyfriend, then the child needs to be 18.

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File where you live. Doesn't matter where spouse lives.

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A divorce does not effect child support. Also, usually child support stops when the child turns 18.

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when him and the child bond and get to know each other

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Unless he's a danger to the child or abuse, no.

If married in Wisconsin can you get divorce in Arkansas?

Consult an attorney where you live to determine what is best in your circumstance. Generally speaking, you can file for divorce where you have residency regardless of where you were legally married. An attorney will help you determine the other qualifications necessary for divorce.

Can you get a divorce in AR when wife is pregnant?

You cannot get a divorce in Arkansas if the woman is pregnant - even if the baby is not the husband's. You must wait until the child is born, and paternity is established before a divorce is granted.

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When you get a divorce ,if your spouse has moved in with you ,you can ask them to move out and if you have had a child with your ex-spouse your child lives with you or you can have shared custody of the child but if it is a teenager when you and your previous partner get a divorce you will ask them to choose who they will live with and they can either choose you or your ex-spouse or shared custody

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Yes, once the wife is legally divorced she can date or live with whomever she wants and still collect alimony if that was the agreement in the divorce settlement.

What if you pay child support and she has a live in boyfriend who also supports them?

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