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Yes, that's very normal. The behaviours described are known as emotional abuse. It's just recently that emotional abuse is being accepted as abuse. Which is about time because in almost every form of abuse the emotional abuse is used. You cannot constantly abuse someone without restraining that someone in some way. Keeping people physically restrained is against the law, but emotionally restraining them is hard to proof and therefore a safe tool for an abuser to use. This makes emotional abuse actually a very evil practise. It is about time it got recognized as such. totally normal. If they didnt show any effects of an abusive situation like that I would be more worried that they were just locking the feeling away. To be shamed so publicly is not only crushing to the self esteem but also to the spirit. The subject of 'soul retrieval' is a good example. Part of you splits off when a trauma occurs. You can use creative visulalisation to go and collect that part of you that split off and reclaim your confidence your innate power back.

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