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It is not normal, but not significantly abnormal either.

It can be an indicator of some serious injuries, however, so you are advised to see a doctor. If nothing else, it will put your mind at ease.

Try not to play with it too much; you might end up damaging it yourself.

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Q: Is it normal for your knee cap to move way out to the side?
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What is patella maltraking?

when you knee cap travels in a way that that is usually detrimental. not normal tracking of the knee cap

Why doesnt your knee cap move?

well actually your knee cap does move see the kneecap is connected by muscles which allow it to move with the joint. it is connected to the femur . try this extend your leg outward you 'll notice your knee feels looser now flex your leg inward you'll notice your knee feels tighter. the point is your knee cap does move you just cant notice it

What do you do if your knee cap moves?

It is perfectly fine if the knee cap moves just a little bit, because some people can do that. Though, if the knee cap moves too much, then it becomes a health concern.

What is the actual name of your knee cap bone?

Your knee caps are also called Patellae.Or Patella for a single knee cap.

What is a subluxtation of a patella?

That's when the knee-cap is misaligned, usually pushed off to the side.

Can knee brace substitute use of plastering if there is injury to knee cap?

A knee brace can be used as substitute for plastering for injuries to the knee cap. If the knee cap is not broken, a knee brace can allow for more flexibility.

What is patella more commonly know as?

Knee Cap

What does the knee cap do?

It protects the knee.

What is the other name of knee cap?

The knee cap is also known as the patella.

What is the scientific name for knee cap?

The knee cap is also called the Patella.

What is the proper terminogoly for your knee cap?

The knee cap is more properly known as the patella.

What is the proper terminolgy for your knee cap?

Your knee cap is called a patella in scientific communities.